What is the proper format for a manuscript?

A manuscript format should feature letter or A4 page size, 12-pt Times New Roman (or similar) font, 1” margins, double-spaced lines, and 0.5” paragraph indents. As well as formatting your document correctly, you’ll also need a title page, page numbers, and a header.

How do you format a manuscript title page?

A novel manuscript requires a title page formatted in this manner:

  1. Contact information: In the top left corner, insert your name, address, phone number and email address.
  2. Title: Centered one-third to one-half the way down the page.
  3. Author: Centered one double-spaced line below the title.

Should a manuscript be double spaced?

Line spacing: All lines should be double spaced. Double-spacing your lines makes the manuscript easier to read and mark up. Do not add an extra space between paragraphs. Alignment: Your words should be aligned on the left-hand side of your page, but not justified.

How many pages should a manuscript be?

The perfect book length rests somewhere between 80,000 to 100,000 words. That translates to about 200 pages. It’s highly unlikely to find a literary agent who’ll represent your 300,000 word novel.

How do you create a manuscript?

How to Write a Manuscript: 5 Key Tips

  1. Don’t worry about format until you are finished.
  2. Set aside 45-60 minutes a day to write your novel.
  3. Outline your novel.
  4. Write the beginning sentence and last sentence to each chapter.
  5. Have some freaking fun.
  6. 20 Literary Agents Actively Seeking Writers and Their Writing.

How do you start a manuscript?

How to start a manuscript (and finish it at some point)

  1. The baseline of a successfull writing start is preparation.
  2. Technique 1: Keywords.
  3. Technique 2: Talk to an audience.
  4. Technique 3: Rewrite.
  5. Technique 4: Write regularly.
  6. Technique 5: Perform different tasks at different places.
  7. Technique 6: Take your time.

How do you format a manuscript in Google Docs?

To make a book template, click on “Blank.” Firstly, you’ll need to manage the page setup. Locate “File” in the main menu and select “Page setup.” Make sure all margins are set to one inch. Then, confirm that the “Page orientation” is set to “Portrait” and that “Paper size” is “Letter.”

What is the best font to submit a manuscript?

Many experts advise using Courier New, 12 pt font for manuscripts but the print is so large that not many words fit on a line. My manuscript looks better using a smaller size or a different font, such as Verdana.

Does a manuscript have to be handwritten?

A manuscript is a handwritten work. It’s still a manuscript if it’s typed — if a publisher asks for your manuscript, don’t send her something scrawled on notebook paper!

What do agents look for in a manuscript?

Essentially, the publishing industry is fairly conservative. Agents and editors want books they know will sell and they’ll always have an eye on how similar books to yours have performed in the market – hence the perennial popularity of crime fiction and psychological thrillers, which always sell well.