What is the output frequency for a frequency division circuit that contains 12 flip-flops with an input clock frequency of 20.48 MHz?
What is the output frequency for a frequency division circuit that contains 12 flip-flops with an input clock frequency of 20.48 MHz?
5 kHz
Determine the output frequency for a frequency division circuit that contains 12 flip-flops with an input clock frequency of 20.48 MHz. Output Clock frequency = 20480000/4096 = 5000 i.e., 5 kHz.
How many flip-flops are required for dividing the frequency by 64?
As straight forward ripple counter divides the clock by 2 at each flip flop and since 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 64 it can be done with six flip flops.
When J and K inputs are low state of outputs Q and Q are?
If inputs J and K are both LOW, (J = K = 0), then there will be no change in Q no matter how many times the clock pulse is applied. If J = 0 (LOW) and K = 1 (HIGH) the next clock edge resets Q output LOW (Q = 0). If J = 1 and K = 0, then the next clock edge sets Q output HIGH (Q = 1).
What is the output frequency for a frequency division circuit?
Hence, The output frequency is 5 kHz.
How many flip flops are required to produce a divide by 128 device?
According that formula 2^7=128 is correct. So, required flip flop is 7.
How many flip-flop are required to produce a divide by a 128 device *?
How many flip-flops are required to produce a divided by 32 device?
Q. | How many flip-flops are required to produce a divide-by-32 device? |
B. | 5 |
C. | 6 |
D. | 4 |
Answer» b. 5 |
How a flip-flop acts as frequency divider?
For frequency division, toggle mode flip-flops are used in a chain as a divide by two counter. One flip-flop will divide the clock, ƒIN by 2, two flip-flops will divide ƒIN by 4 (and so on). One benefit of using toggle flip-flops for frequency division is that the output at any point has an exact 50% duty cycle.
What is frequency divider circuit?
Frequency divider circuit is the basic circuit in digital logic circuit. The circuit function is to divide or drop the frequency of the high frequency signal to get the lower frequency signal for a given frequency signal by division.
What is toggle condition in J-K flip-flop?
The J-K flip-flop has a toggle mode of operation when both J and K inputs are high. Toggle means that the Q output will change states on each active clock edge. J, K and Cp are all synchronous inputs. The master—slave flip-flop is constructed with two latches.
What will be the frequency of the output from a J-K flip-flop when J 1 K 1?
A J-K flip-flop with J = 1 and K = 1 has a 20 kHz clock input. The Q output is ________. A. B….Exercise :: Flip-Flops – General Questions.
A. | the clock pulse is LOW |
B. | the clock pulse is HIGH |
C. | the clock pulse transitions from LOW to HIGH |
D. | the clock pulse transitions from HIGH to LOW |