What is the NASS report?

Crop Production NASS This monthly report contains crop production data for the U.S., including acreage, area harvested, and yield. Wheat, fruits, nuts, and hops are the specific crops included in the report, but data on planted and harvested crop area are also included.

How do I cite USDA NASS?

Cite This Item

  1. Chicago citation style: United States. U.S. National Agricultural Statistics Service NASS . United States, 1998.
  2. APA citation style: United States. (1998) U.S. National Agricultural Statistics Service NASS .
  3. MLA citation style: United States. U.S. National Agricultural Statistics Service NASS .

Are USDA surveys mandatory?

Most NASS surveys are voluntary, but in the case of the census, participation is required by law (Title 7, U.S. Code). By responding to the census, producers help themselves, their communities, and U.S. agriculture overall.

What is the purpose of Nass?

The NASS Mission is to provide timely, accurate, and useful statistics in service to U.S. agriculture. Our Core Values: ► Trust – We maintain producer trust and protect the privacy and data of those who provide personal and agricultural information, as required by law.

What happens if you don’t fill out the agricultural census?

If you don’t respond, you are likely to receive duplicate copies in the mail, a phone call from the USDA, and possibly even an in-person visit. If you do not want to provide any information to the USDA, another option is to send the census form back with a note stating that you decline to respond.

Why did I get a National agricultural Classification Survey?

The National Agricultural Classification Survey is a nationwide effort to identify potential agricultural operations in the United States. The results of this survey will help provide the best possible coverage for the 2022 Census of Agriculture.

Is there another census in 2022?

In the summer of 2022, the FFIEC expects to release a second version of the 2022 FFIEC Census products flat file that includes all census fields that were provided in the 2016-2020 ACS 5-year data release.