What is the jurisdiction of Supreme Court and High Court in India?

The Supreme Court can only issue writs to enforce the Fundamental Rights and not for any other reason. The High court, on the other hand, can issue writs for a variety of reasons, including the enforcement of basic rights. It signifies that the High Court’s writ jurisdiction is broader than the Supreme Court’s.

What is the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction applies to cases involving: disputes between states, actions involving various public officials, disputes between the United States and a state, and proceedings by a state against the citizens or aliens of another state.

What is the jurisdiction of the High Court in South Africa?

The High Court has jurisdiction over all matters, but it usually only hears civil matters involving more than 400,000 rand, and serious criminal cases. It also hears any appeals or reviews from magistrates’ courts and other lower courts.

What type of jurisdiction does the SC Superior court have?

appellate jurisdiction
The Court has appellate jurisdiction (the Court can hear the case on appeal) on almost any other case that involves a point of constitutional and/or federal law.

What are the three jurisdiction of High Court?

The Supreme Court in India has three types of jurisdictions – original, appellate and advisory as provided in Articles 131, 133 – 136 and 143 respectively of the Indian Constitution.

What is original jurisdiction of High Court?

Original jurisdiction of a court means that the court hears the case first as opposed to the appellate jurisdiction. It is the power to hear a case in the first place without going to any intermediary stage.

What is original jurisdiction of high court?

What are the two jurisdictions of the Supreme Court?

The Constitution states that the Supreme Court has both original and appellate jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction means that the Supreme Court is the first, and only, Court to hear a case.

How is jurisdiction determined in South Africa?

Monetary value determines which court will have jurisdiction for a specific matter, ie matters on which claims are R20 000.00 or less are heard at the Small Claims Court. The higher the value of the claim, the more senior is the court required to hear that claim.

What is the difference between High Court and Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court of India (SC of India), is at the top of the judicial hierarchy and the final court of appeal set up by the Indian Constitution. It followed by the High Court (HC), which is the apex judicial forum at the state and union territory level.

What are the two types of jurisdiction courts can have?

The two types of jurisdiction exercised by courts are original jurisdiction and appellate jurisdiction.