What is the difference between caption and description in WordPress?

Caption – will show up on the blog post if you fill in the data (don’t need caption if you don’t want text to display underneath the image). Alt-Text – in case readers cannot load the image, this data will show up instead (optional also). Description – it’s optional. Hope this can clear up some concerns for you.

What is the difference between alt text caption and description?

Alternative text explains information in images for screen reader users. Captions describe images to help users relate them to surrounding text.

Can alt text be the same as description?

Alt text gives the user a short condensed description, while long image descriptions provide explicit detail. Supplying text alternatives of visual media can significantly increase access to content for a wide range of users.

How do I add alternative text in WordPress?

How to add alt attributes in WordPress

  1. Log in to your WordPress website. When you’re logged in, you will be in your ‘Dashboard’.
  2. Open the post or page to edit the content.
  3. Click on the Image block to open the Image settings in the Block tab of the sidebar.
  4. Add the alt text and the title attribute.
  5. Click ‘Update’.

What is an alt text caption?

Authoring alt text is similar to writing a caption for an image, but the two are different. An image caption is text that displays on the screen. Alternate text is read aloud to someone using assistive technology, but is hidden from a sighted user.

Do I need alt text if I have captions?

Images that have a caption do not need alt text. Captions are text descriptions for an image that are displayed on the page, thus allowing sighted and non-sighted users information about the image. If a caption is present, the alt text attribute should be null ( Alt=”” ).

What is the difference between caption and title?

Title – A shorthand reference for the item. A human readable name which can be text or numeric, may be the file name, but doesn’t have to be. It is not the same as headline. Caption – Is Description (as of 1.1), which is basically the description, including caption, of the items content.

What is the difference between caption and description?

Unlike the alt text or description, the caption does not have to closely mirror what the image actually shows. I think most people understand how captions work but here is an example of how a caption could be written for the pancake photo: The pancake is a traditional part of the American breakfast.

Is alt text important for SEO?

How Does Alt Text Impact SEO? We’ve already highlighted that setting alt text for images is very important for SEO and is a key contributing search engine ranking factor. Alt tags provide context to what an image is displaying, informing search engine crawlers and allowing them to index an image correctly.

How do you add alt text?

Add alt text

  1. Right-click the object and select Edit Alt Text.
  2. Select the object. Select Format > Alt Text.

How do you write alt text examples?

Write Good Alt Text

  1. Add alt text all non-decorative images.
  2. Keep it short and descriptive, like a tweet.
  3. Don’t include “image of” or “photo of”.
  4. Leave alt text blank if the image is purely decorative.
  5. It’s not necessary to add text in the Title field.

Is headline and caption the same?

Senior Member. No, a caption is text appearing under a photograph or other image. A headline is the title of a newspaper article, particularly on the first page.