What is the best white spot treatment?

What should I do?

  • Treat using Anti White Spot.
  • Support fish with Aquilibrium salt to aid their immune system.
  • Test for water quality problems and treat accordingly.

How long does it take for white spot treatment to work?

White spots may or may not be visible on fish. WHITE SPOT CURE kills the Ich parasite, usually within 24 hours and is safe for use in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Corals and invertebrates may be sensitive to this medication.

How long does it take to get rid of ich?

Salt and Water Parasitic trophonts usually stay in fish for five to seven days at a water temperature of 22º to 25ºC (72º to 77ºF). The treatment may need to continue for five days to one week in order to remove the parasite from the infected fish.

Is white spot fungal or bacterial?

What is “White Spot”? “White spot” or “panau” (in Malay) is a superficial fungal skin infection. The medical term is pityriasis versicolor or tinea versicolor. It usually affects adults and causes an itchy, scaly rash that appears as white, pink or brown patches on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and limbs.

Is white spot and ich the same thing?

ich, also called white spot disease, parasitic disease that affects a variety of freshwater fish species and that is caused by the ciliated protozoan Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Ich is one of the most common diseases encountered in tropical-fish aquariums.

How long does it take a fish to recover from white spot?

Thankfully, treatment is usually effective, but you need to be prepared for a few days to over a week of treating the affected fish and water. and you will have to treat the water, as Ich has three distinct forms. The parasitic trophont stage is what you see on your fish, the raised white cyst containing the Ich.

What looks like ich But isn t?

Not to be mistaken for Ich, the white dots of Velvet disease will almost completely cover a fish’s body. These spots will appear finer and more dust-like, unlike the ones caused by the Ich parasite.

Is ich always in your tank?

Nope, ich is ALWAYS present regardless of qt. If you have a fish, you have ich.

Can a fish get ich twice?

Yes, fish can develop a limited immunity to ich for a period of time. However, fish can get ich repeatedly if you don’t get it out of the system, or you keep bringing back in with infected fish.

Can I repeat white spot treatment?

Q: How often can I repeat the treatment? A: After completing the 4th dose on the 7th day, leave the product in for 7 days before performing a partial water change. You can then repeat the treatment or use another medication as necessary.