What is self proficient?

1 : able to maintain oneself or itself without outside aid : capable of providing for one’s own needs a self-sufficient farm. 2 : having an extreme confidence in one’s own ability or worth : haughty, overbearing.

What is a word for self-sufficient?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for self-sufficient, like: independent, self-reliant, competent, confident, self-contained, self-supporting, money, self-sufficing, self-sustaining, efficient and needy.

What is the word for being able to do things by yourself?

What is another word for doing one’s own thing?

self-sufficient independent
closed competent
conceited confident
efficient egotistic
haughty individual

Is independent a synonym for self-sufficient?


  • independent,
  • self-dependent,
  • self-reliant,
  • self-subsistent,
  • self-subsisting,
  • self-supported,
  • self-supporting,
  • self-sustained,

What selfmade means?

Definition of self-made : made such by one’s own actions especially : having achieved success or prominence by one’s own efforts a self-made man.

Is it good to be self-sufficient?

Whether you’re dealing with the fallout from financial stress or trying to muster up the confidence to go after a big goal, establishing self-sufficiency is an essential part of healthy mental wellness. Success starts with knowing you’re capable of accomplishing whatever it is that you set your mind to do.

What is a synonym of competent?

Some common synonyms of competent are adequate, enough, and sufficient. While all these words mean “being what is necessary or desirable,” competent suggests measuring up to all requirements without question or being adequately adapted to an end. had no competent notion of what was going on.

What is the synonym of self reliant?

autonomous. self-sufficient. self-supporting.

What is another word for working independently?

“While it is important to be able to work in a team, it is also crucial to be able to work independently.”…What is another word for independently?

solo alone
by one’s own bootstraps in a solitary state
of your own volition on one’s own initiative
under your own steam on one’s own hook
by your own efforts off your own bat

What is a word for someone who likes to be alone?

loner. noun. someone who likes to be alone and has few friends.

Is Kylie Jenner self-made?

Forbes just released the annual World’s Billionaires list, and Kylie Jenner remains the planet’s youngest self-made billionaire. Yes, youngest (she’s 22). Yes, self-made (despite a lot of help from her famous family, she didn’t inherit her business—she built it). And yes, billionaire (she’s worth $1 billion).

Is selfmade a word?

having succeeded in life unaided: He is a self-made man. made by oneself.