What is reference plane in orthographic projection?

2.1. 1 Reference planes Principal planes – horizontal plane and vertical plane –are the main reference planes used in orthographic projections. Profile plane, auxiliary vertical plane, and auxiliary inclined plane are also used as reference planes when two views of the object are not sufficient.

What are the 3 planes of projection in orthographic?

Principal Plane.

  • Frontal Plane.
  • Profile Plane.
  • Horizontal Plane.

What are the planes of orthographic drawing?

There are three planes of Orthographic projection; Frontal Plane. Profile Plane. Horizontal Plane.

What do you mean by reference plane?

In celestial mechanics, the plane of reference (or reference plane) is the plane used to define orbital elements (positions). The two main orbital elements that are measured with respect to the plane of reference are the inclination and the longitude of the ascending node.

What are different types of planes in engineering drawing?


  • Perpendicular Planes.
  • Various positions of perpendicular planes.
  • (a) Planes perpendicular to V.P. And Parallel to H.P.
  • (b) Planes perpendicular to H.P. And Parallel to V.P.
  • (d) Plane perpendicular to V.P. And inclined to H.P.
  • (e) Plane perpendicular to H.P. And inclined to V.P.
  • What are the 4 orthographic views?

    Orthographic drawings are also known as multiviews. The most commonly used views are top, front, and right side. You can imagine it as positioning yourself directly in front, above, or to the right of an object and drawing only what you can see.

    What are the three principal planes in orthographic projection Mcq?

    What are the three principal planes in orthographic projection?

    1) back, top, profile
    2) front, top, profile
    3) frontal, horizontal, profile
    4) top, front, right side
    5) NULL

    How many types of principal planes are there?

    There are three principal planes that are perpendicular to each other. Figure 4.11. Schematic illustration of principal stress orientation. The shear stress is thus zero on the principal planes of stress.

    How many types of orthographic projections are there?

    First angle projections and third angle projections are the two main types of orthographic drawing, also referred to as ‘working drawings’. The difference between first and third angle projection is in the position of the plan, front and side views.

    What are the 3 different reference planes?

    There are three basic reference planes used in anatomy: the sagittal plane, the coronal plane, and the transverse plane.

    What is auxiliary plane?

    Auxiliary Plane The plane which we draw to get the true shape of the inclined surface ( often parallel to Principal Plane ) is an auxiliary plane. Simply, the plane other than the Principal Plane ( i.e. Horizontal Plane, Vertical Plane or Perpendicular Plane) is called Auxiliary Plane.