What is Pope Clement VII known for?

Clement VII would have been remembered as one of the great popes of all time, had he lived in another age. He sponsored the artistic works of Cellini, Raphael and Michelangelo, including the completion of the Sistine chapel. He forbade the persecution of Jews in Rome and ordered the Inquisition to leave them alone.

What was Pope Clement VII real name?

Giulio de’ Medici
Clement VII, original name Giulio de’ Medici, (born May 26, 1478, Florence [Italy]—died September 25, 1534, Rome), pope from 1523 to 1534. An illegitimate son of Giuliano de’ Medici (not to be confused with Giuliano de’ Medici, duc de Nemours, his cousin), he was reared by his uncle Lorenzo the Magnificent.

What happened to gulio de Medici?

After eleven years of intense and difficult pontificate, Clement VII died in Rome on 25 September 1534, at age 56, after eating a mortal mushroom, the amanita phalloides. He is buried in Santa Maria sopra Minerva, in the mausoleum designed by his “second father” Antonio Sangallo.

Did Giulio Medici become a pope?

Giulio was elected Pope, at the age of 45, on 19 November 1523 and took the title Clement VII: the decorations for his coronation were produced by Bandinelli.

Which pope denied Henry VIII a divorce?

Pope Clement VII forbids King Henry VIII from remarrying.

What happened to Giuliano Medici in 1478?

An assassination attempt on the Medici brothers was made during mass at the Cathedral of Florence on April 26, 1478. Giuliano de’ Medici was killed by Francesco Pazzi, but Lorenzo was able to defend himself and escaped only slightly wounded. Meanwhile, other conspirators tried to gain control of the government.

Why was the Pope a prisoner of Catherine’s nephew?

If the marriage never existed, then there could be no divorce, right? Catherine refused to accept this arrangement. Pope Clement denied an annulment for several reasons, one being that Catherine’s nephew, Emperor Charles V of Spain, had laid siege to Rome and essentially was holding the Pope as prisoner.

How much money did Henry VII leave for Henry VIII?

The Young King He inherited £1.5 million pounds from his father and succeeded in the first peaceful transition of power after the Wars of the Roses. Henry brought a youth and vigor to the Court that had long been lacking and Henry dreamed of glory beyond the hunt and joust.