What is meant by palmar creases?
What is meant by palmar creases?
A palmar crease is a type of crease on the palm. A single transverse palmar crease also called simian crease is sometimes associated with Down syndrome. Other types of creases include the Sydney crease and the Suwon, or double transverse palmar crease.
What are palmar flexion creases for?
Some people think the palm lines in human hands foretell the future through the practice of palmistry. Scientifically speaking, however, the lines on a palm, or palmar flexion creases, help the hand’s skin stretch and squeeze. They can also help identify certain medical conditions.
What does Simian Line indicate?
Simian Line Meaning The simian line depicts the blend of mental and emotional powers in a person. It also shows the probability of Down syndrome. For men, this line predicts the creation of wealth and for the women, it indicates hard life, bad luck and divorce.
Where is the distal palmar crease?
“Distal” means “away from the body.” The distal transverse palmar crease runs along the top of your palm. It begins close to your little finger and ends at the base of your middle or index finger, or between them.
What does a straight line on your palm mean?
If the life line is straight, cutting across the palm parallel to the head line, he/she is brave and usually very outgoing.
What is a transverse palmar crease?
Simian crease is an older name for a condition now more commonly called single transverse palmar crease, or STPC. It refers to a single crease across the palm of the hand. In most individuals, there are two slightly offset creases across the palm.
What does the lines in your palms mean?
A line in your palm can give you hints about your future relationships, but it’s certainly not the final word. What to look for: A deeper, longer line indicates that you enjoy long-term commitments; a fainter or shorter line means you may experience your share of on-again, off-again relationships.
How rare is the Simian Line?
There are typically two creases in the palm, but in some people, only one crease is present. A single palmar crease occurs in about 1 out of 30 people, but is also frequently associated with other conditions such as Down syndrome, Aarskog syndrome or fetal alcohol syndrome.
Is it rare for palm lines to line up?
There’s one line in the palm, however, that is extremely rare and portends many good things for those who have it. Palm readers urge everyone to look for it on their own hands to see if they are one of the lucky carriers.