What is machine observation?
What is machine observation?
Machine observations could arguably be defined as observations that are inferred from sensor data.
What is an example of mechanical observation?
Observation techniques involving mechanical observers either in conjunction with, or in place of, human observers. Examples include the motion-picture or video camera, the audimeter, the psychogalvanometer, the eye-camera, and the pupilometer.
What is the difference between disguised and undisguised observation?
Disguised observation is used when the researcher feels that his presence might affect consumer behaviour and may spoil the entire data collection process. On the other hand, under the undisguised observation method the respondents are informed in advance about the purpose of observation.
What is human observation?
Human observation is self explanatory, using human observers to collect data in the study. Mechanical observation involves using various types of machines to collect the data, which is then interpreted by researchers.
What is the difference between indirect and direct observation?
Direct observation – The researcher is the observer, recording what he or she is watching (sensing). Indirect observation – The researcher must rely on the reported observations of others.
What is personal observation?
Personal observation is a subset category, in which the researcher is the primary instrument for monitoring and data collection, and is widely used with ethnography. Collection can be covert or overt, participatory or not, and can vary in degree of invasiveness to the participants’ lives.
What is the difference between naturalistic observation and participant observation?
The only difference between naturalistic observation and participant observation is that researchers engaged in participant observation become active members of the group or situations they are studying.
What is the difference between observation and participant observation?
Observation allows the evaluator to see what is happening in the project. In contrast, participant observation refers to when evaluator participants as he or she observes, talking with stakeholders and participating in project activities.