What is Japanese kawaii fashion called?

Name. The term Yume Kawaii (ゆめかわいい) is a portmanteau of the japanese words for “dream” (ゆめ) and “cute” (かわいい), and is meant to stand for the cute, sweet, and light aesthetic of the style.

What are the different types of kawaii?


  • Yumekawaii – dreamy cute.
  • Yamikawaii – dark and sickly cute.
  • Gurokawaii – creepy cute.
  • Erokawaii – erotic cute.
  • Busukawaii – ugly cute.
  • Dokukawaii – toxic/radioactive cute.
  • Neokawaii – trendy cute.
  • Kakkokawaii – cool and boyish cute.

What is YUME kawaii?

Yume Kawaii (shortened to Yumekawa) is a pastel subculture-turn-trend that started in Harajuku in 2015. It is a soft, dreamlike aesthetic found in fashion, artwork, music, and even food. Typical Yume Kawaii motifs include sailor collars, magical girls, animals, unicorns, clouds, and wings.

What is the kawaii style?

What Makes Something Kawaii? There are many different kawaii characters, but they all have a few things in common. Typically, kawaii characters are designed in a very simplistic style and have big heads, small, compact bodies, wide eyes, a tiny nose, and little or no facial expression.

What is Japanese Goth called?

Also sometimes known as Gothic Lolita, J-Goth is a type of Gothic movement in Japan that spun off the Lolita styles they already had.

How do you become a kawaii?

How To Be Kawaii

  1. Throw race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, body shape, and everything you can’t control out the window!
  2. Be sweet, kind, and empathetic.
  3. Dress adorably!
  4. Do kawaii make-up!
  5. Consider circle lenses!
  6. Have your nails be an extension of your kawaiiness!
  7. Have youthful hair!

Is kawaii goth a thing?

It is a result of mixing goth or grunge with the sweet pastel elements of the kawaii aesthetic, but also a touch of bohemian chic. It also spread in popularity in Japan for a brief period thanks to the DJ Juria Nakagawa, whose style has always been highly influenced by what is popular on Tumblr.

What is Larme Kei?

Larme Kei is a term created by the international community to describe a fashion focused on a girly aesthetic. The style is vague and has no real defining features or rules, and pulls heavily from the Girly style trend popular in Japan, as well as the magazine of the same name, LARME.