What is integrated tax administration system?

The Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS) is a tax administration initiative in Nigeria aimed at simplifying and automating all tax administration processes – such as filing tax returns and paying taxes online through the ITAS portal.

What is NRA in Sierra Leone?

The National Revenue Authority (NRA) of Sierra Leone modernizes its Human Resource system by integrating a competency-based approach.

What is the purpose of the tax administration Act?

to provide for a voluntary disclosure programme; to provide for criminal offences and sanctions; to provide for the reporting of unprofessional conduct by tax practitioners; and. to provide for matters connected therewith.

What is meant by tax administration?

(4) Tax administration The term “tax administration”— (A) means— (i) the administration, management, conduct, direction, and supervision of the execution and application of the internal revenue laws or related statutes (or equivalent laws and statutes of a State) and tax conventions to which the United States is a …

How do I register with itas?

Open their website: https://www.itas.mof.na/e-Portal. Click on the “click here to Register” link to open the registration page. Once the registration page opens, complete all the required fields with the “*” asterisk and click on the “submit button”.

How do I submit PAYE itas Namibia?

The online submission is done by completing an Excel spreadsheet (available on ITAS portal) with detailed payroll information of employees and upload it on ITAS. order to accommodate ITAS requirements. It was agreed that more time is needed to allow employers to prepare for this change.

What is NRA withholding tax?

Generally, the NRA withholding requirement is 30% unless the Internal Revenue Code stipulates a reduced rate or exemption based on U.S. tax treaty benefits. In addition, these regulations provide for the following: 14% Federal withholding tax on the portion of scholarships paid for living expenses.

What is national revenue?

Government revenue or national revenue is money received by a government from taxes and non-tax sources to enable it to undertake government expenditures. Government revenue as well as government spending are components of the government budget and important tools of the government’s fiscal policy.

What act is SARS governed by?

SARS administers a wide range of legislation in terms of Part 1 and Schedule 1 to the South African Revenue Service Act, 1997.

What is a SARS dispute?

When taxpayers are aggrieved by an assessment or not satisfied with a decision taken by SARS if the decision is subject to objection and appeal, they have a right to dispute the assessment or decision.

What is tax administration example?

For administration of an income tax, for example, it can mean exempting people below a certain income level from paying the tax and having as much tax as possible collected through a withholding system or pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) system.

What are tax systems?

We consider that a tax system is a set of taxes in force in a country at a given time. When talking about a tax system, one must always consider the reality in which it applies.