What is emergency drinking water?

Additional Information. Water is a “basic need.” Make sure your covered in an emergency with a ready supply of drinking water. Each pouch contains 4.225 ounces (1/8 quart) of purified water and has a shelf life of up to five years.

What is Michigan State emergency relief?

The State Emergency Relief (SER) Program provides immediate help to individuals and families facing conditions of extreme hardship or for emergencies that threaten health and safety.

What is the role of the SES?

Specifically, the service deals with floods, storms and tsunamis, but can also assist in other emergencies, such as vertical rescue and road crash rescues, missing persons searches, and medical evacuations. In other scenarios the SES may provide a support role to other agencies, particularly police and fire.

How many times can you get SER in Michigan?

State Emergency Relief (SER) will make a one-time annual (once per year) payment to prevent shut-offs, or restore heat, electric, or water service.

How long does emergency drinking water last?

Replace stored water every six months. Keep stored water in a place with a cool temperature (50–70°F). Do not store water containers in direct sunlight.

How much do SES get paid?


Classification P5 Median
SES 1 $171,645 $202,910
SES 2 $223,472 $263,750
SES 3 $317,750 $361,501

Are SES paid?

PAYMENTS NOW AVAILABLE FOR RFS AND SES VOLUNTEERS WHO HAVE SPENT WEEKS KEEPING COMMUNITIES SAFE. NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) and NSW State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers who have spent more than ten days fighting fires and helping with the recovery effort can apply for loss of income payments from today.

How can I get help paying my bills in Michigan?

Step 3: State Emergency Relief (SER) Program – Apply directly through MI Bridges for bill payment assistance or call 855-275-6424. Information is required to verify your income so you may want to work with your utility or 2-1-1 first on tips to navigate this process.

How do I apply for SER in Michigan?

Applying for SERTop To apply for SER, submit an application to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). The application process takes around 10 days to complete. One way to apply is online through the MDHHS website, MI Bridges.