What is condition type Vprs?
What is condition type Vprs?
The Condition type “VPRS” is a internal type of pricing and mainly can be used for statistical purposes. This condition is basically captured from material Master Record. If you want to deactiviate it in the Sales order, then you need to configure setting in the Pricing procedure.
What is Skto condition type in SAP SD?
At the time of billing SAP reads payment terms from customer master data using condition ‘SKTO’. SKTO reads discount percentage and calculates cash discount amount in billing document. SKTO is a statistical condition and therefore is only for information purpose.
What is Vprs cost?
VPRS (Internal Cost): It cost is mainly used to determine whether the material is having the standard price or moving average price. The condition type VPRS is labeled as a statistical condition in the pricing procedure.
What is the difference between condition type EK01 and EK02?
EK01 is used as actual cost and EK02 is used as calculated cost. Both are used in make-to-order production. In the case of EK01, unit cost is issued first position on the conditions screen for the items. The value can be used for the basis of price determination.
What is SAP EK02?
You can use the condition type EK02 to calculate the profit margin of a make-to-order item in a sales document. The system calculates the cost of manufacturing and copies the result as an EK02 condition type into the pricing screen of the sales document. The EK02 has no direct effect on pricing.
What is cash discount in SAP SD?
Cash Discount is a reduction in the price of an item for sale, allowed in those cases when payment is made within a stipulated period. In general business scenario, the cash discount will depend on the payment terms agreed with the customer. Generally, in the invoice a payment term may be mentioned.
How do I apply a discount in SAP?
5 Answers. In your purchase order go to Header taps and select Delivery/Invoice – you will see payment terms and add your percentage discount in required number of days.
What is EK01 and EK02 in SAP?
EK01: If we choose it the result of the sales order costing (integration with controlling) is first printed to the pricing screen for the item. The value can be used as basis for price calculation. EK02: System simply takes the result of the sales order costing as a statistical value (only for information purpose.
What is statistical condition type in SAP MM?
Statistical condition types, such as cash discount, cost, and profit margin – are for information only and have no effect on the net order value. They appear at the bottom of the pricing screen. For example, GRWR can be used to fetch the net domestic value (fair market value).