What is bat wings X ray?

Bat wing appearance is a radiologic sign referring to bilateral perihilar lung shadowing seen in frontal chest X-ray and in chest CT. The most common reason for bat wing appearance is the accumulation of oedema fluid in the lungs.

What are batwing opacities?

Bat wing opacities, also known as butterfly opacities, refer to a pattern of bilateral perihilar lung shadowing. It is classically described on a frontal chest radiograph but can also refer to appearances on chest CT 3,4.

What are bats wings?

Bat’s wings are made of a supple, hairless, elastic skin stretching from the edge of the forelimb all the way to the tip of an elongated little finger. The wing attaches to the lateral side of the body, and lower limb down to the ankle. Some bats also have a membrane between the legs and connecting to the tail.

What causes Perihilar opacities?

Bilateral ill-defined perihilar, peribronchial opacities are the result of a viral bronchitis, accompanied by focal streaky opacity in the right lower lobe.

What is the normal cardiothoracic ratio?

The cardiothoracic ratio is measured on a PA chest x-ray, and is the ratio of maximal horizontal cardiac diameter to maximal horizontal thoracic diameter (inner edge of ribs/edge of pleura). A normal measurement is 0.42-0.50. A measurement <0.42 is usually deemed to be pathologic.

What are Kerley A lines?

Kerley A lines are linear opacities extending from the periphery to the hila caused by distention of anastomotic channels between peripheral and central lymphatics. Kerley B lines are small, horizontal, peripheral straight lines demonstrated at the lung bases that represent thickened interlobular septa on CXR.

How are bat wings formed?

The order Chiroptera, comprising all bats, has evolved the unique mammalian adaptation of flight. Bat wings are modified tetrapod forelimbs. Because bats are mammals, the skeletal structures in their wings are morphologically homologous to the skeletal components found in other tetrapod forelimbs.

Does opacity mean pneumonia?

Multifocal air space opacities are a common appearance for hospital-acquired pneumonias, especially for patients in the intensive care setting. Fungal pneumonias should be considered when the chest x-ray is suggestive of pneumonia and cultures for bacterial infection are negative.

How serious is lung opacity?

Ground-glass opacities are usually benign and resolve spontaneously without any complications in patients with short-term illnesses. Most of these patients may not even know that it is present. Others may complain of cough, tiredness, and shortness of breath.