What is anti miR-21?

Locked nucleic acid anti-miR-21 inhibits cell growth and invasive behaviors of a colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line: LNA-anti-miR as a novel approach. Cancer Gene Ther.

Does Oncomir cause cancer?

Oncomirs cause cancer by down-regulating genes by both translational repression and mRNA destabilization mechanisms. These down-regulated genes may code for proteins that regulate the cell’s life cycle.

Why is Mirna important?

miRNAs have key roles in the regulation of distinct processes in mammals. They provide a key and powerful tool in gene regulation and thus a potential novel class of therapeutic targets. miRNAs play an evolutionarily conserved developmental role and diverse physiological functions in animal.

What type of gene is the likely target of these Oncomirs in cancer cells?

miR-21 is one of the earliest identified cancer-promoting ‘oncomiRs’, targeting numerous tumor suppressor genes associated with proliferation, apoptosis and invasion.

How do Antagomirs work?

Upon binding, Blockmirs sterically block microRNA from binding to the same site, which prevents the degradation of the target mRNA via RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). If a Blockmir binds to a non-intended RNA, it will only cause an effect if it prevents binding of a microRNA or another cellular factor.

What is miRNA sponge?

MicroRNA (miRNA) sponges are RNA transcripts containing multiple high-affinity binding sites that associate with and sequester specific miRNAs to prevent them from interacting with their target messenger (m)RNAs.

What do oncogenes cause?

Your cells contain many important genes that regulate cell growth and division. The healthy forms of these genes are called proto-oncogenes. The mutated forms are called oncogenes. Oncogenes cause cells to replicate out of control and can lead to cancer.

How do microRNA work?

miRNAs (microRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally. They generally bind to the 3′-UTR (untranslated region) of their target mRNAs and repress protein production by destabilizing the mRNA and translational silencing.

What specifically do most people inherit when they inherit a predisposition to a particular cancer such as retinoblastoma?

Inherited mutations in tumor suppressor genes are a common cause of a genetic predisposition to cancer (4). Specifically, individuals inherit a germ-line mutation in a tumor suppressor gene but show no signs of the disease.

What are oncogenic Mirna?

Oncogenes are those miRNAs whose expression is upregulated in tumors. These oncogenic miRNAs, also known as “oncomirs”, promote cancer progression by inhibiting the expression of tumor suppressor genes involved in different biological processes [16].