What is an example of consumptive use of water?

ANSWER: Consumptive use means that the water cannot be recovered, usually because it is lost to evaporation or transpiration, or to deep aquifers. Examples include irrigation, lawn watering, and some fraction of the water used for fracking or cooling in thermoelectric power generation.

What does consumptive use?

“Consumptive Use” refers to the amount of water lost to evaporation along with water drawn up into the plant through the roots and transpiring through the leaves during crop growth.

What is consumptive and non consumptive use of water?

Water used consumptively diminishes the source and is not available for other uses; whereas nonconsumptive water use does not diminish the source or impair future water use. 1.

Which is the greatest consumptive use of water *?

In most cases, such reallocation is expected to come from agriculture due to its high share of water use. Currently, agriculture accounts (on average) for 70 percent of all freshwater withdrawals globally (and an even higher share of “consumptive water use” due to the evapotranspiration of crops).

What are consumptive resources?

Quick Reference. The use of resources in ways that reduce supply. Example include mining and grazing, or hunting, fishing, and logging in a forest. Contrast non‐consumptive use.

Is drinking water consumptive or Nonconsumptive?

A water use is considered non-consumptive when the water remains in or is immediately returned to the location in a stream or aquifer from which it was extracted. For example, hydroelectric power generation and recreational uses are considered to be a non-consumptive uses of water.

What is an example of consumptive use of water quizlet?

Consumptive water is lost by evaporation, transported to another area, or contaminated, which disrupts the water cycle. A large portion of the total water withdrawn for agriculture is consumptive water, and a lower percentage of water withdrawn for domestic and industrial uses is also consumptive water.

What is consumptive use of natural resources?

Note: Consumptive use of natural resources refers to use of natural resources in which these resources are utilised and removed from their natural environment.

What is non-consumptive use of water?

Which is not an example of consumptive use of domestic water?

Water use is non-consumptive if it results in the water being returned to its source after use. For example, your household water may come from a local river. After you flush the toilet, the water will go to a waste water treatment plant, be cleaned up, and returned to the river.

What is non-consumptive use?

The use of resources in ways that do not reduce supply. Examples include hiking, bird watching, and nature study in a forest. Contrast consumptive use.

Is the opposite of consumptive water is water consumption?

The opposite of consumptive water is non-consumptive water. Water use is non-consumptive if it results in the water being returned to its source after use. For example, your household water may come from a local river.