What is a synonym of a theme?

subject, topic, subject matter. matter, issue, question, concern. idea, concept, thread, motif, trope, keynote, message. thesis, argument, text. gist, essence, core, substance, burden, thrust.

What is the synonym of among?

amid. (or amidst), mid, midst, through.

What is another word for common theme?

What is another word for common theme?

subject topic
essence gist
issue premise
concept point
substance thread

What is related to theme?

Here are some words that are associated with theme: idea, motif, topic, subject, tune, keynote, composition, root, paper, report, radical, stem, base, musical theme, root word, melodic theme, music, essay, question, thematic, content, substance, melody, feature, aspect, concept, style, musical, subject matter, song.

What is a synonym for main idea?

Words related to main idea core, crux, essence, income, profit, reality, basis, body, bottom line, focus, foundation, heart, importance, nucleus, origin, root, substance, thrust, aspect, character.

What is the mean of among?

1 : in or through the midst of : surrounded by hidden among the trees. 2 : in company or association with living among artists. 3 : by or through the aggregate of discontent among the poor. 4 : in the number or class of wittiest among poets among other things she was president of her college class.

What is a theme in literature?

Definition & Examples of Themes in Literature In works of fiction, a theme is the central idea or ideas explored in the story. A literary theme might be the subject matter or present itself as a message within the larger story. Learn more about what themes are in literature and get some well-known examples.

Can themes be one word?

A theme is not ONE WORD. That is a topic. Bad example 1: The theme was love.

What is theme literary term?

What Is a Literary Theme? A literary theme is the main idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a novel, short story, or other literary work. The theme of a story can be conveyed using characters, setting, dialogue, plot, or a combination of all of these elements.

Which of the following is a synonym for central idea?

What is another word for central idea?

takeaway gist
thrust conclusion
drift theme
import kernel
keynote quintessence

What’s another word for main point?

What is another word for main point?

point essence
core crux
meaning nub
pith gist
import marrow