What is a synonym for coming to terms?

synonyms for come to terms acknowledge. admit. allow. comply. concede.

What is the idioms of to come to terms?

phrase. If you come to terms with something difficult or unpleasant, you learn to accept and deal with it. My dad needed to come to terms with the fact that I had become an adult. Synonyms: learn to live with, come to accept, be reconciled to, reach acceptance of More Synonyms of come to terms with.

What does coming to terms with feelings mean?

to learn to accept and deal with an unpleasant situation or event, especially after being upset or angry about it for a long time. She needed time to come to terms with her grief. Synonyms and related words. To try to deal with a problem or difficulty.

What is the synonym of reconciliation?

Some common synonyms of reconcile are accommodate, adapt, adjust, and conform. While all these words mean “to bring one thing into correspondence with another,” reconcile implies the demonstration of the underlying compatibility of things that seem to be incompatible. tried to reconcile what he said with what I knew.

What does it mean to reconcile yourself?

to accept a situation or fact although you do not like it: She must reconcile herself to the fact that she must do some work if she wants to pass her exams. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples. to accept or continue in a situation that is difficult or unpleasant.

What is a synonym for reconcile?

Some common synonyms of reconcile are accommodate, adapt, adjust, and conform. While all these words mean “to bring one thing into correspondence with another,” reconcile implies the demonstration of the underlying compatibility of things that seem to be incompatible.

What does coming to grips mean?

to deal with (something) usually skillfully or efficiently. After a few weeks she finally came to grips with her pest problem.

What’s the word for coming to an agreement?

to compromise; come to an agreement. compromise verb (compromises, compromised, compromising)

What is a synonym for rekindle?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for rekindle, like: reawaken, relight, renew, resurrect, revitalize, reactivate, reanimate, revive, revivify, awareness and resuscitate.

What is the term meaning to bring back together and to make peace in a relationship?

(rɛkənsaɪl )

What are synonyms for reconciliation?


  • accord.
  • agreement.
  • compromise.
  • harmony.
  • settlement.