What is a reverse Svengali deck?
What is a reverse Svengali deck?
A Reverse Svengali Deck is one where the duplicates are the long cards, and the indifferent cards are short. This gives you some strong bonuses, such as the ability to spread the cards face up on the table with a dribble, showing they are all different before you start!
How many cards are in a Svengali deck?
The secret of the Svengali deck is its 26 identical cards. Half of the deck’s cards are copies of a single card and are slightly smaller in size. The other half of the deck consists of a selection of normal playing cards.
How does Svengali trick work?
Svengali magic cards are gimmicked so that anywhere that a spectator cuts will reveal the same card. Also, the decks allow you to display the deck with either different cards or being made up of a single card. Because of the gimmicking, Svengali magic cards cannot be examined by spectators.
Can you shuffle a Svengali deck?
The Svengali deck can be deceptively riffle shuffled or given an overhand shuffle anyway, but yes, starting with the cards separated so you can do four ace tricks etc.
How does a Svengali pad work?
“Svengali pads,” are magic props that, like a Svengali deck of cards, selectively shaves down alternating leaves so that a performer can seemingly riffle all the pages but only display every second page.
Who invented Svengali?
Burling Hull
The Svengali deck is a trick deck of cards that’s over 100 years old. Burling Hull is credited with its creation. He showed it to Boston dealer WD LeRoy who marketed it in 1909.
Where does the word Svengali come from?
“one who exerts controlling or mesmeric influence on another,” 1914, from hypnotist character of that name in the novel “Trilby” (1894) by George Du Maurier.
Who invented the Svengali deck?
What cards are in a Svengali deck?
Svengali deck The deck alternates between normal cards and shortened cards, with the shortened cards all of the same rank and suit. When the deck is riffled front to back, only the normal cards are visible; when it is riffled back to front, only the shortened cards are visible.