What is a groundwater contour map?

A water-level contour map is a common tool used by a hydrogeologist to indicate groundwater flow directions and to test the continuum approach. Todd (1959) asserts that under steady state conditions, flow lines lie perpendicular to water table contours.

How do I find out the depth of my water table?

The most reliable method of obtaining the depth to the water table at any given time is to measure the water level in a shallow well with a tape. If no wells are available, surface geophysical methods can sometimes be used, depending on surface accessibility for placing electric or acoustic probes.

How deep is the water table in Sacramento California?

approximately 1,400 feet
The base of the potable water portion of the deep aquifer Page 9 Sacramento Central Groundwater Authority Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Plan February 2012 Sacramento Central Groundwater Authority Page 6 Managing Groundwater Resources in Central Sacramento County averages approximately 1,400 feet below ground surface …

What information can you get from water table contour maps?

Water table measurements that are taken at the same time of year can be used to develop a water table contour map to show the direction of ground water flow. Monitoring wells are typically used to determine the elevation of the water table.

How do you determine groundwater flow direction from topographic map?

The ground water flow direction can be represented by an arrow drawn perpendicular to the ground water contour lines. The volume of water that flows through the aquifer over a given time period can be calculated from the velocity and cross sectional area of the aquifer.

How do I find out the water table in my area?

How deep is the water table in Redding California?

A screen keeps rocks from getting into the pipe. The City of Redding utilizes vertical turbine or submersible turbine pumps, both designed to pump water from deeper wells. Our wells range from a depth of 170 feet to a depth of 600 feet below the surface.

How deep is the water table in Northern California?

“A lot of the water that they’re talking about may actually be gone, when you think about the Central Valley, right now, where the average depth of the water table is already at 2,500 or 3,000 feet,” said Jay Famiglietti, a water expert with both NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of California, Irvine …

What are the 4 zones of groundwater?

The unsaturated zone, capillary fringe, water table, and saturated zone.