What is a Gauger?

Definition of gauger 1 : one that gauges. 2 chiefly British : an exciseman who inspects dutiable bulk goods.

What was a gas maker?

Gas Maker: burned coal to produce gas for fuel. Copyright: Jane Hewitt. This dictionary is authorised for use on www.familyresearcher.co.uk only. Gas Manager: worked in the mining industry, responsible for preventing death due to lethal underground gases.

What does it mean to gauge someone?

transitive verb. If you gauge people’s actions, feelings, or intentions in a particular situation, you carefully consider and judge them. His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.

What was a stay presser?

Pronunciation: (stā’pres”), [key] — adj. (of fabric or clothing) treated so as to retain a freshly ironed look after washing.

What was a gas stoker?

noun. historical. A person employed to stoke a gas retort.

What is coke oven gas?

Coke oven gas is formed by heating coal to 1100 °C without access of air. The classic composition of coke gas: hydrogen (H2 – 51%), methane (CH4 – 34%), carbon monoxide (CO – 10%), ethylene (C2H4 – 5%).

How do you gauge someone?

10 Proven Ways to Judge a Person’s Character

  1. honest.
  2. reliable.
  3. competent.
  4. kind and compassionate.
  5. capable of taking the blame.
  6. able to persevere.
  7. modest and humble.
  8. pacific and can control anger.

Which is correct gage or gauge?

The verb gauge, which refers to measuring or estimating, also has a variant gage. This variant appears to show up primarily in informal sources, though not often. Gauge is by far the preferred spelling in general usage for both the noun and the verb; we encourage you use it.

What was a silk dresser?

Silk Dresser: worked in the textile industry preparing silk for weaving.

What was a secret Springer?

Searcher: a customs officer examining imported goods for contraband. Secret Springer: worked in the watchmaking industry, made the spring which releases the cover on a hunter watch case.

What is steel gas?

Gases created as a ‘free’ by-product during steel production processes serve as an attractive energy source option for efficient power generation. In addition to the economic benefit, using these gases as engine fuel reduced industrial CO2 emissions and saves natural energy sources. Benefits of Power from Steel.

What fuel is used in blast furnace?

metallurgical coke
The iron blast furnace uses carbon as a fuel to meet the energy requirements of the process as well as a reducing agent for smelting the iron ore to pig iron. The most widespread form of carbon used for this purpose is metallurgical coke.