What is a Category 1 fire BC?

A: The old definition of Category 1 open fires was for fires up to 1 meter by 1 meter in size and smaller and included backyard leaf or debris burning as well.

What is a Category 2 fire BC?

“Category 2 open fire” means an open fire, other than a campfire, that burns: material in one pile not exceeding 2 m in height and 3 m in width, material concurrently in 2 piles each not exceeding 2 m in height and 3 m in width, or. stubble or grass over an area that does not exceed 0.2 ha.

What is a Category 3 fire in BC?

Category 3 open burn prohibited activities include: Three or more concurrently burning piles no larger than two metres high by three metres wide; Burning of one or more windrows; and. Burning of stubble or grass over an area greater than 0.2 hectares.

How do you calculate fire Danger Index?

The FDR is determined by the Fire Danger Index (FDI). The FDI is a calculated using the degree of fuel curing, the air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed for a given day. Fire Danger Index (FDI) is estimated using the McArthur Fire Danger Meter for grasslands or forest.

Are sky lanterns illegal in BC?

In addition to campfires, Category 2, and Category 3 open fires, the following activities are also prohibited: The use of fireworks. The use of sky lanterns.

What is the fine for having a fire in BC?

With some of the highest wildfire-related violation fines in Canada, the current fine for a campfire in B.C. is $1,150 and can be issued to all people using a fire. Hunter said there have been recent cases where they issued a ticket to every person using a fire.

Can I have a fire in my backyard BC?

Natural gas outdoor fireplaces and fire pits are legal in BC Both natural gas fireplaces and fire pits are legal for use in BC, unlike wood-fuelled backyard fires which are banned in many municipalities.

What is meant by the classes of fires?

Class A: Ordinary solid combustibles such as paper, wood, cloth and some plastics. Class B: Flammable liquids such as alcohol, ether, oil, gasoline and grease, which are best extinguished by smothering.

What is FDI rating?

The Fire Danger Index, commonly referred to as the FDI, is a rating system that provides an indication as to the fire risk for a specific area on a specific day. If the expected environmental factors are know for the coming period, the FDI can be forecast.

Is open fire allowed in BC?

Given current weather conditions, BC Wildfire Service has implemented fire bans across most of the province, to help protect communities, our forests and infrastructure from wildfire.

Are propane fire pits allowed in BC 2021?

Both natural gas fireplaces and fire pits are legal for use in BC, unlike wood-fuelled backyard fires which are banned in many municipalities.