What is 3F in ASCII?

ASCII Table – Hex to ASCII Value Character Code Chart

Decimal Hex Binary
62 3E 00111110
63 3F 00111111
64 40 01000000
65 41 01000001

What is %3d in ASCII?

Table of All

hex char
hex char
; ;
= =

What is 5b in ASCII?

ASCII Table — Printable Characters

Character Hex Hex
8 38 58
9 39 59
: 3a 5a
; 3b 5b

What is the ASCII value for F?

ASCII – Binary Character Table

Letter ASCII Code Binary
C 067 01000011
D 068 01000100
E 069 01000101
F 070 01000110

What is 2E in ASCII?


Dec Hex Char
46 2E .
47 2F /
48 30 0
49 31 1

What is 7E in ASCII?

ASCII Hex Symbol
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

What is 7F in ASCII?

ASCII Table 0-127

Dec Hex Hex
28 1C 7C
29 1D 7D
30 1E 7E
31 1F 7F

What is Shiftout ASCII?

Shift Out (SO) and Shift In (SI) are ASCII control characters 14 and 15, respectively (0x0E and 0x0F). These are sometimes also called “Control-N” and “Control-O”.

What is 3d URL encoding?

URL-encoding from %00 to %8f

ASCII Value URL-encode
: %3a
; %3b
< %3c
= %3d