What imminence means?

Definition of imminence 1 : something imminent especially : impending evil or danger. 2 : the quality or state of being imminent.

Does imminent mean immediately?

Meaning and Usage of ‘Imminent’ Imminent describes something that is about to happen very soon.

What does it mean to Impend something?

Definition of impend intransitive verb. 1a : to be about to occur the impending trial. b : to hover threateningly : menace. 2 archaic : to hang suspended.

How do you use imminently in a sentence?

Imminently sentence example

  1. No one of the dependent dynasts found himself more imminently threatened by this peril than Juba king of Numidia.
  2. All of these are considered imminently expendable by the system.
  3. Around 15,000 visitors are expected and Brand Events will announce a headline sponsor imminently .

How do you use imminence?

Imminence sentence example Ferdinand was his son-in-law, and was probably disposed to leniency by the imminence of a Moorish invasion in which Portugal could render useful assistance. These changes threw a considerable strain on the finances, but the imminence of the danger caused their acceptance.

What is the difference between imminent and immanent?

When something is imminent, that means it’s “impending.” Immanent isn’t a typo; it means “inherent.” And, e minent means “distinguished.”

Can a person be immanent?

Imminent refers to something about to happen. And anything immanent (with an “a” in there) is inherent, like that good attitude you were born with. To keep them straight, remember that an eminent person is successful, like that rapper Eminem.

Is Imminent a negative word?

When you say that something is ‘imminent’, you are suggesting something bad is likely to happen very soon. The word has a negative connotation. ‘Imminent’ comes from the Latin ‘imminere’ meaning ‘to overhang’.

How do you use the word Impend?

1. It seemed that nothing could prevent the impending disaster. 2. She had a sense of impending doom .

What does Intergalactically mean?

1 : situated in or relating to the spaces between galaxies. 2 : of, relating to, or occurring in outer space intergalactic battles.

How do I use imminent?

Imminent Sentence Examples

  1. The birth of her child was imminent, if not past due.
  2. There was no luggage standing by to indicate an imminent departure.
  3. In 1678 war seemed imminent between France and England.
  4. When an attack was imminent, I called Brady and made him swear to take care of you.

What is imminent release?

Imminent threat of release means potential for a release which requires action to prevent or mitigate damage to the environment or endangerment to public health or welfare or the environment which may result from such a release. Sample 1. Sample 2.

Was ist Eigentlich ein emoji-steht?

Steht für Trauer, Reue und Bedauern. Ein nachdenklicher Gesichtsausdruck. Emoji schaut zum Boden und braucht jetzt erst einmal Zeit zum Überlegen. Steht für Melancholie, allgemeine Unzufriedenheit und Frustration. Man schämt sich, bedauert etwas und bittet um Entschuldigung.

Was ist der smoking emoji?

Der Smoking besteht aus einem Sakko, einer Weste und einer Hose. Besonders elegant und geeignet für gehobene Anlässe. Symbolisch steht das Emoji für einen offiziellen Anlass oder Feierlichkeit, wie z. B. ein Bankett oder die eigene Hochzeit. Ebenfalls verbildlicht der Smoking zärtliche Verabredungen und Wiedersehen.

Was ist das Locken emoji und Was ist It?

Dieses Emoji veranschaulicht das Aussehen vom neuen Freund, Kollegen oder Nachbarn. Nur 15% der Menschen europäischer Abstammung haben Locken. Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman oder Pipi Langstrumpf. In Deutschland haben gerade mal 2 % von Natur aus rote Haare, weltweit ca. 1 % und der Rest hilft nach.

Was ist ein Prinz in Ein emoji?

Ein Prinz (vom lat. princeps = der Erste) mit Krone. Adelstitel als Nachkommen eines Königs. Das Emoji wird auch ironisch für einen Selbstdarsteller oder für einen wohlhabenden, gut aussehenden Mann verwendet. Der Prinz gilt als allgemeines Glückssymbol und verkörpert Vernunft, Verstand und Männlichkeit.