What ICd 705?
What ICd 705?
Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 705 established that all Intelligence Community (IC) SCIF comply with uniform IC physical and technical security requirements.
Who is responsible for accreditation of SCIFs?
DAC is the sole accrediting authority for physical and technical (TEMPEST) security for permanent SCI facilities. (1) Secure Working Areas (SWAs).
What is a skiff room?
A sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF; pronounced /skɪf/), in United States military, national security/national defense and intelligence parlance, is an enclosed area within a building that is used to process sensitive compartmented information (SCI) types of classified information.
What are SCIF requirements?
That’s right—there are very specific, specialized requirements when it comes to construction a SCIF, particularly in terms of physical security, visual controls, acoustic controls, access control, electronic, and TEMPEST security.
Whats the difference between a SCIF and a Sapf?
SAPF typically refers to facilities for the Department of Defense, so facilities for the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, or U.S. Marine Corps. SCIFs are typically for programs run by the Intelligence Community, but both SCIFs and SAPFs are built to the same specifications.
How do I become a certified SCIF?
Follow these six steps to make sure your SCIF is designed and built correctly the first time.
- Step 1: Get a Government Sponsor.
- Step 2: Develop Pre-construction Documentation.
- Step 3: Develop the Facility Design.
- Step 4: Get Jurisdiction Approval.
- Step 5: Construct the SCIF.
- Step 6: Get Government Accreditation.
What is SCIF certification?
Every SCIF must be certified to have been designed, constructed, and inspected for the protection of all Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) programs or special activities in accordance with the provisions of ICD 705.
What PEDs are allowed in a SCIF?
Only PEDs with low risk may be allowed entry to a SCIF; therefore, mitigation must be applied to PEDs evaluated to be high and medium risk to reduce the PED risk to low.
What is not allowed in a SCIF?
proceduresgoverningPEDsinSCIFsundertheircognizance. (SeesectionC.) Outside the United States, the risk to classified intelligence information is higher; therefore, personally owned PEDs are prohibited in SCIFs.
How long does a SCIF accreditation last?
a. The CSA shall ensure that regular, periodic re-evaluations are conducted to ensure continued security (to include TEMPEST, physical, technical, etc.) of the SCIF based on the sensitivity of programs, threat, facility modifications, and past security performance, or at least every five years.