What happens in Joel in the Bible?

The book of Joel describes the Day of the Lord through locust swarms, battles, and powerful imagery so that readers can understand its magnitude. The book of Joel describes the Day of the Lord through locust swarms, battles, and powerful imagery so that readers can understand its magnitude.

What is the story of Joel the prophet?

The book of Joel centers on prophecies that Joel made after the land of Judah was afflicted with a severe drought and a plague of locusts. These prophecies tell of many signs to precede the Second Coming of the Savior, especially a great outpouring of the Spirit upon all flesh (see Joel 2:28–29).

What is the historical context of Joel?

Historical context The main positions are: Ninth century BC, particularly in the reign of Joash – a position especially popular among nineteenth-century scholars (making Joel one of the earliest writing prophets). The enemies mentioned – Philistines, Phoenicians, Egypt and Edom – are consistent with this date.

What is the Day of the Lord in Joel?

“The Day of the Lord” is a biblical term and theme used in both the Hebrew Bible (יֹום יְהוָה Yom Yahweh) and the New Testament (ἡμέρα κυρίου, hēmera Kyriou), as in “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come” (Joel 2:31, cited in Acts 2:20).

What was Joel’s message?

The book’s central theme is a concept borrowed from preexilic prophets that salvation will come to Judah and Jerusalem only when the people turn to Yahweh. Then they will not only receive divine favour, but the land itself will become fertile.

What Joel means?

the Lord is God
a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning “the Lord is God.”

What does Joel Mean?

What does the name Joel mean?

What is the main theme of Joel?

Is Joel a name?

Joel is a male given name derived from יוֹאֵל Standard Hebrew, Yoʾel, Tiberian Hebrew, or Yôʾēl, meaning “Yahu is god”, “YHWH is God”, or the modern translation “Yahweh is God”. Joel as a given name appears in the Hebrew Bible.

Is Joel a girl name?