What exercises work the posterior deltoid?

6 Exercises to Improve Posterior Deltoid Strength

  • Single-arm bent-over row. The days you work your shoulders and back are the perfect time to add this move.
  • Standing bent-over lateral raise.
  • Cable machine high pull with ropes.
  • Rear deltoid machine.
  • Assisted pullup.
  • Side-lying external rotation.

What does posterior deltoid do?

Posterior deltoids: Rear delts that help move your arm backward. They connect to the flat surface of your shoulder blade. You use your rear delts if you pitch a baseball.

Where is the posterior deltoid located?

The posterior deltoid muscle represents the third portion of the deltoid. It is also known as the scapular or rear delt. This part of the muscle is located on the rear, or back, part of the shoulder and upper arm region. The origin for the posterior deltoid is the spine of the scapula, or shoulder blade.

How do you stretch the posterior deltoid?

What is a posterior deltoid stretch?

  1. Relax your shoulders.
  2. Reach one arm across your body, using your other arm or wrist to hold it gently by your upper arm.
  3. Slowly begin to pull your arm toward your chest, as far as possible, allowing the stretch to reach deep into the back of your shoulder.

Is rear delt shoulder or back?

Anatomy. The Posterior Deltoids (Rear Delts) are the muscle fibres on the rear side of your shoulders. The muscle originates in the Scapula (Shoulder Blade) and inserts into the Humerus (Upper Arm) along with the Lateral (Side) and Anterior (Front) Delt muscles.

What is the function of the deltoid muscle?

Function. An important function of deltoid is the stabilisation of the shoulder joint preventing subluxation or even dislocation of the head of the humerus particularly when carrying a load. Deltoid is the prime mover of shoulder abduction. All heads of deltoid work together to produce abduction of the Shoulder Joint.

Why does the backside of my shoulder hurt?

The most common cause of shoulder pain occurs when rotator cuff tendons become trapped under the bony area in the shoulder. The tendons become inflamed or damaged. This condition is called rotator cuff tendinitis or bursitis.

What are the 3 deltoid muscles?

It consists of three parts, also called heads: the anterior deltoid, lateral deltoid, and posterior deltoid. All three assist with arm elevation and play a large role in moving and stabilizing the shoulder joint and upper arm.

What causes posterior shoulder pain?

This can occur either through wear and tear of the shoulder (primary impingement), muscle weakness or imbalance (secondary impingement), or because of tightness in the capsule that surrounds your shoulder joint (posterior).

How do you fix a sore rear deltoid?

The first steps after you injure your deltoid are rest, ice, and heat. Icing the muscle right after the injury will help reduce inflammation and pain. If you have a minor injury, 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off a few times throughout the day for 1 to 2 days should be enough.

Do push-ups build rear delts?

Normal push-ups don’t do much for the rear deltoids because the demands are mostly put on the front and middle delts. If you really want to work them, you might actually benefit more from doing the dumbbell rear lateral raise or lever seated reverse flies.