What does thoracic cavity mean in anatomy?

Medical Definition of thoracic cavity : the division of the body cavity that lies above the diaphragm, is bounded peripherally by the wall of the chest, and contains the heart and lungs.

What cavities are in the thoracic?

Thoracic Cavity: The ventral body chamber that contains the pericardial cavity (the heart) and the pleural cavity (the lungs).

What is the function of the thoracic cavity?

Function of Thoracic Cavity The first is to provide protection and support to the body’s vital organs. The thoracic cavity is surrounded by the rib cage and several layers of membranes, which help keep the organs protected from any dangers in the environment.

Where is the thoracic in anatomy?

The thoracic spine is the longest region of the spine, and by some measures it is also the most complex. Connecting with the cervical spine above and the lumbar spine below, the thoracic spine runs from the base of the neck down to the abdomen. It is the only spinal region attached to the rib cage.

What’s thoracic mean?

Definition of thoracic : of, relating to, located within, or involving the thorax.

What is the function of the thorax quizlet?

Breathing – the thorax contains the lungs and structures required to pump air in and out (diaphragm, ribs, thoracic wall). 2. Protecting vital organs – the ribs house and protect the heart, lungs, and greater vessels.

What do thoracic mean?

Which is true of the thoracic cavity?

Which is TRUE of the thoracic cavity? It contains the lungs and mediastinum. It is surrounded by the bones of the sternum, ribs, and pelvis.

Is thoracic and chest the same?

The thorax is also called the chest and contains the main organs of respiration and circulation. The heart through its main artery, the aorta, pumps oxygenated blood to all parts of the body. The lungs provide oxygen to the cells of the body and eliminate carbon dioxide.

What is Thoracic quizlet?

The Thoracic Outlet is a. Junction bound anteriorly by the manubrium, anteriolaterally by the first ribs, and posteriorly by the first thoracic vertebrae and posterior angles of the first ribs of the space.

Why might upright Posteroanterior PA and lateral projections of the chest be added to a rib series?

Why might upright posteroanterior (PA) and lateral projections of the chest be added to a rib series? Trauma to the ribs may result in injury to the respiratory system.

What is the root word for thoracic?

thoracic. Prefix: Prefix Definition: 1st Root Word: thorac/o. 1st Root Definition: chest.