What does the ending of Song of Solomon mean?

After realizing his quest for his identity is complete, Milkman decides to leap and “fly” through the air. In the final scene of Song of Solomon, Milkman triumphs in terms of finding his authentic self and achieving freedom, but ultimately dies.

What is the Song of Solomon all about Toni Morrison?

Song of Solomon demonstrates Morrison’s commitment to black life and culture and examines the role of African Americans in relation to white mainstream society and the legacy of slavery on the history and experience of blacks in America.

What happened to Jake in Song of Solomon?

Jake was shot dead by members of the Butler family (a group of local, white, affluent farmers), because they wanted his land, Lincoln’s Heaven. Pilate carries Jake’s bones with her and has throughout her life.

Why does milkman jump off the cliff?

A bird swoops down and picks up Pilate’s snuffbox earring. Milkman can’t see Guitar, but waves wildly at him to get his attention. Guitar puts his gun down. Milkman jumps off of Solomon’s Leap.

What is in the box Pilate keeps hanging from her earlobe?

Represented in the novel as the eccentric sister of Macon Dead II, who like her daughter Reba and her granddaughter Hagar has no navel, Pilate wears an earring made of a little box that contains her name and makes bootleg wine for a living.

Why is Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison important?

In fact, Song of Solomon is the first of Morrison’s novels to have a male as a primary protagonist. Song of Solomon draws on diverse mythological traditions, particularly biblical, Greco-Roman, and African to create a uniquely African-American narrative.

What does the white peacock represent in Song of Solomon?

Likewise, the white peacock that causes Guitar and Milkman to become infatuated with the pursuit of wealth represents the corrupting influence of greed.