What does the 1033 program provide?

A program called “1033,” for the section of the act that created it, allows the Department of Defense to give state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies military hardware. Since its inception in 1996, nearly 10,000 jurisdictions have received more than $7 billion of equipment.

Who implemented the 1033 program?

When he signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 1997, President Bill Clinton authorized the 1033 program. The 1033 program allowed the Department of Defense to transfer surplus military-grade equipment to local and state police forces.

Why the 1033 program is good?

The 1033 program allows the Department of Defense (DoD) to transfer excess military-grade weapons and equipment to local police departments across the country.

What is the 1208 program?

W. Bush administration, in Section 1208 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991, which allowed surplus DOD equipment, weapons, and tactical vehicles to be transferred to law enforcement for use in drug enforcement.

Why should we keep the 1033 program?

The 1033 program is the vehicle that enables militarized responses against protestors, at the Southern border, and to advance the failed drug war. The program instigates the “surge” of various federal law enforcement that have been deputized to “lay down the law” in Portland and cities throughout the country.

Is the 1033 program still in effect?

A year after Ferguson, then president Barack Obama signed an executive order that prohibited state and local law enforcement from receiving certain types of property, like grenade launchers and weaponized aircraft, under the 1033 program, but these restrictions were short-lived: Trump lifted them in 2017.

Why are American police militarized?

According to Julian Go of Boston University, police departments in the United States became increasingly militarized in the early 20th century as they “borrowed tactics, techniques, and organizational templates from America’s imperial-military regime that had been developed to conquer and rule foreign populations”.

Why is the U.S. so militarized?