What does raincheck mean in slang?

informal. used to tell someone that you cannot accept an invitation now, but would like to do so at a later time: Mind if I take a rain check on that drink? I have to work late tonight. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

Why do we say take a raincheck?

The term rain check appears in the United States in the 1890s to describe a ticket issued to patrons attending a baseball game that is postponed due to rain. When the make-up game was played, rain check holders could attend without further payment.

How do you respond to a rain check date?

Let me know when you’re free next and we can reschedule. What is this? This response is most appropriate when someone cancels and asks for a rain check, for example, if their message is something along the lines of “Hi, so sorry but I can’t make it tonight.

What’s another word for rain check?

What is another word for rain check?

assurance postponement
promise raincheck
reserved ticket

Is it polite to give someone a rain check?

Taking a rain check is a polite way of saying “no” to an invitation, especially in American English. Rain checks started with rain, but now stores may give a rain check at other times, like when a product runs out during a sale. You can decide to take a rain check when there is an invitation open to you.

Is it rude to ask for a rain check?

Taking a rain check is a polite way of saying “no” to an invitation, especially in American English. Rain checks started with rain, but now stores may give a rain check at other times, like when a product runs out during a sale.

Are rain checks still a thing?

Customers can request a rain check—usually in the form of a paper voucher—if they are unable to purchase the advertised item during the sale period. Most rain checks are valid for 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on the store.

How do you respond to a rain check?

3 Oh okay. Let me know when you’re free next and we can reschedule. What is this? This response is most appropriate when someone cancels and asks for a rain check, for example, if their message is something along the lines of “Hi, so sorry but I can’t make it tonight.

Can we take a rain check?

If you tell someone you will take a rain check, you are saying that you will not accept their offer now but that you might accept it at a different time.

What do you reply when someone says rain check?

If someone says, “Can I give you a raincheck?” the answer is, “Sure, any time!” It’s not a definite commitment to meet or do whatever, it’s more of a “ask me sometime and we’ll see then.” Re-schedule that as soon as possible or ask them to let you know when they are available.

How do Rainchecks work?

If you go to the store to buy granola bars and they’re out of stock, you can ask your cashier for a raincheck to buy the granola bars at the sale price when they are back in stock. The cashier will hand you a paper voucher, and when granola bars are stocked again, you can purchase them using the voucher.