What does OCC stand for in aviation?

The Operations Control Center The Operational Control Center or “OCC” for many airlines represents the coordination hub where many “spokes” of airline operational control merge together.

What is MX in aviation?

MX. Maintenance. Aerospace, Avionics, Military.

What does Avi mean in aviation?

AVI – Automatic Vehicle Identification.

What is TD in aviation?

Search for glossary terms (regular expression allowed) Term. Main definition. TD. Time Delay.

What is OCC dispatcher?

They are responsible for Flight Documentation, Crew rostering and associated Logistics requirements (transport and stay during duty), initiating emergency response management procedures and coordination amongst various departments for smooth functioning of operations.

What is OCC manager?

The OCC (Operations Control Centre) Duty Manager assists in overseeing the day-to-day operations of company aircraft. This dynamic, multi-faceted position serves as the vital link between commercial services and flight operations for charter.

What does ADF stand for in aviation?

Non Directional Beacons (NDBs) and the associated Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) avionics are widely used to support en-route navigation and airport approach procedures.

What does FDC mean in aviation?

FDC NOTAMs : Flight Data Center NOTAMs are NOTAMs that are regulatory in nature such as changes to an instrument approach procedure or airway. Temporary Flight Restrictions ( TFRs ) are also issued as FDC NOTAMs .

What does Petc stand for?


Acronym Definition
PETC Pet in Cabin (airline industry)
PETC Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center (Department of Energy)
PETC Playwork Education and Training Council (UK)
PETC People for the Ethical Treatment of Computers (humor)

What does AVIH stand for in aviation?

Definition. LATAM allows the transport of dogs and cats in the aircraft hold (AVIH) when associated to a passenger.

How is Tod calculated?

A quick and easy way to figure it out is to start with your altitude above field elevation and multiply that number by three. This will give you the approximate distance in nautical miles from the airport to start a 500-foot-per-minute descent in the typical light general aviation airplane and reach pattern altitude.

What is the full form of OCC?

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) Definition. Banking.