What does LMB stand for in medical?

LMB: left main bronchus. LMCA: left main coronary artery.

What does PCN mean in medical billing?

Primary Care Network (PCN) – A group of doctors serving as primary care doctors. Primary Care Physician (PCP) – A doctor whose practice is devoted to internal medicine, family/general practice, or pediatrics.

What does PCN stand for nursing?

PCN. Primary Care Nurse. Medical, Healthcare, Technology.

What is RRR medical?

Relative risk reduction (RRR) tells you by how much the treatment reduced the risk of bad outcomes relative to the control group who did not have the treatment.

What is LMB on the keyboard?

The following conventions apply to instructions for mouse-clicks and key presses. LMB means click or press the left-mouse button. • MMB means click or press the middle-mouse button. RMB means click or press the right-mouse button.

Does PCN mean penicillin?

Penicillin (PCN) accounts for most cases of antibiotic allergies. Reported PCN allergy deprives the patient from this class of antibiotics and creates hesitancy in using other beta-lactam antibiotics.

What is the abbreviation for allergy?

Instead of typing the word, “allergy,” for instance, you might use the medical abbreviation for allergy, which is ALGY.

What is NT ND?

NTND. non-tender, non-distended.

What is the difference between ARR and RRR?

It is usually expressed as a percentage. RRR = (CER – EER) out of CER. The absolute risk reduction (ARR), represents the difference in event rates between the experimental group and the control group. It is also usually expressed as a percentage.

Where is LMB?

On this page, the mouse buttons are called MMB, LMB, and RMB where MMB is the middle mouse button (the mouse wheel button) and LMB and RMB are the left and right mouse buttons respectively.

What is LMB in blender?

Mouse. In Blender the RMB (Right Mouse Button) is generally used for selection and the LMB (Left Mouse Button) initiates or confirms actions.

What does PCN stand for allergies?

Penicillin Allergy. Nearly everyone knows someone who says they are allergic to penicillin.