What does Ineffability meaning?
What does Ineffability meaning?
Definition of ineffable 1a : incapable of being expressed in words : indescribable ineffable joy. b : unspeakable ineffable disgust. 2 : not to be uttered : taboo the ineffable name of Jehovah.
What is ineffable and examples?
The definition of ineffable is something that is not able to be expressed. An example of ineffable is overwhelming sadness that one does not know how to show. An example of ineffable is the name of a deity that cannot be said out of respect. adjective.
What is the synonym of ineffable?
unspeakable, ineffable, unutterable, inexpressible. in the sense of indefinable.
Can a person be ineffable?
If something is so powerful or emotional that you can’t even describe it, it’s ineffable. Ineffable ideas and emotions are difficult to put into words. Parents might feel an ineffable sadness and pride when watching their youngest child graduate from high school.
What is an ineffable experience?
Abstract. An ‘experience of ineffable significance’ is sudden feeling of knowing something very significant but which cannot be described in words, sometimes accompanied by chills or tears. Amongst its types are the sublime and (secular) ‘epiphanies’.
How do you use ineffable?
Ineffable in a Sentence ?
- The model’s beauty is ineffable and has everyone tongue-tied.
- When Jake saw his fiancée walking down the church aisle, he experienced an ineffable feeling.
- Obviously, my husband’s request for a divorce has left me in an ineffable mood.
What is a sentence with the word ineffable in it?
Ineffable sentence example. Neoplatonism seeks this in the ecstatic intuition of the ineffable One. God the Father was ineffable . Our deepest encounter with God is sometimes almost ineffable , almost inexpressible.
What is the antonym of ineffable?
What is the opposite of ineffable?
believable | cogitable |
conceivable | convincing |
credible | creditable |
imaginable | plausible |
supposable | thinkable |
What is Selcouth?
Definition of ‘selcouth’ 1. odd, unusual, or extraordinary in appearance, effect, manner, etc; peculiar. 2. not known, seen, or experienced before; unfamiliar. a strange land.
What is an insipid person?
adjective. without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid: an insipid personality. without sufficient taste to be pleasing, as food or drink; bland: a rather insipid soup.