What does Atour mean in Assyrian?

Assyrian Names and Meanings for Boys and Girls

Male name in Syriac Meaning
dem atour rotamd dimma shpekha d atour
dem seen Nysmd be dimma d seen (with seen’s blood)
dinkha Awnd zraqa (shine)
dani eil (daniel) lyaynd be raziyota d eil (with eil’s blessings)

What are some Assyrian last names?


  • Elias Hölén Hannouch.
  • Mary Yonan.
  • Paul Givargidze.

How do you say cheers in Assyria?

If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me….Useful phrases in Eastern Assyrian.

English Lishana Ashuraya (Eastern Assyrian)
Cheers! Good Health! (Toasts used when drinking) B’Khouboukh (m) B’ Khoubakh (f) B’Khoubokhoun (pl)

What language do the Assyrians speak?

The official language of the three main Assyrian churches is Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, the language Jesus would have spoken. Many Assyrians speak Aramaic dialects, though they often speak the local languages of the regions where they live as well.

What is an Assur?

noun. the supreme national god of the ancient Assyrians, chiefly a war god, whose symbol was an archer within a winged disc. one of the chief cities of ancient Assyria, on the River Tigris about 100 km (60 miles) downstream from the present-day city of Mosul.

What does ATA mean in Assyrian?

In Arabic, ‘Aṭā (عطا) is a name meaning “Gift”. It also appears in Persian (عطا).

What does the name Assur mean?

In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Assur is: Who is happy; or walks; or looks.

What is a Chaldean person?

Chaldeans are Aramaic-speaking, Eastern Rite Catholics. They have a history that spans more than 5,500 years, dating back to Mesopotamia, which was known as the cradle of civilization and is present-day Iraq.

How do you say Grandma in Assyrian?

Assyrian word for grandma : ܢܵܢܵܐ ( ‘ na: na: ) in the sargonsays.com English Assyrian Dictionary…. Assyrian word for grandma : ܢܵܢܵܐ ( ‘ na: na: ) in the sargonsays.com English Assyrian Dictionary.