What does 25GN mean on a trailer?

Vehicle Description Model 25GN-25+5 is the largest in Big Tex’s lineup of gooseneck equipment trailers. The 25GN is a serious equipment hauler. It has a 50,000 lb. semi-truck style landing gear jack setup. It comes with side steps, tool box, Hutch suspension, adjustable coupler, LED lights and much, much more.

How much does a Big Tex 25GN cost?

Our Price: $22,990.00

VIN: 25GN-35BK+5MR
Year: 2022
Manufacturer: Big Tex Trailers
Model: 25GN-35BK+5MR
Floor Length: 40′ or 480.00″

How much weight can a Big Tex 25GN 35 5 carry?

16800 lbs
Our Price: $22,990.00

VIN: 25GN-35BK+5MR
Width: 8′ 6″ or 102.00″
Weight: 9100 lbs
GVWR: 25900 lbs
Payload Capacity: 16800 lbs

Does Big Tex have air ride?

Smoother Safer Towing: Improves your ride, reduces wear & tear on pickup & trailer made by Big Tex Trailers. Air Ride Technology: Protects your truck, gooseneck trailer and the contents with a smoother, safer tow.

What is the GVWR of a gooseneck trailer?

20,000 GVWR Flatbed Gooseneck Trailer – 25.5 ft. – DELUXE

G.V.W.R. 20,000 lb. – Approx. Empty Weight – 5,600 lb. – Capacity – 14,400 lb.
Electrical Wiring in conduit with rubber mounted lifetime LED lights
Frame 10 in. channel frame with 3 in. channel crossmembers 16 in. o.c. – 5 in. channel side rails
Dovetail 5.5 ft.

What is a derated axle?

➢ Derate When an axle is built to exceed the recommended dimensions, the rated capacity will be diminished. Also, Flexiride axles and half axles are rated for single mounting; when used in a tandem arrangement, they need to be derated by 20%.

Can you change the GVWR of a trailer?

The 49 CFR 573 regulation for GVWR only applies to newly manufactured vehicles. It does not regulate vehicles already sold. However, it does allow modifiers or alterers to change the GVWR using a good faith judgement on the new GVWR based on equipment installed such as brakes, axles, tires, etc.