What do you mean by occupational lung disease?
What do you mean by occupational lung disease?
Occupational lung diseases are the primary cause of occupation-associated illness in the U.S. based on frequency, severity, and preventability of the illnesses. Most occupational lung diseases are caused by repeated, long-term exposure, but even a severe, single exposure to a hazardous agent can damage the lungs.
What causes occupational lung diseases?
They are caused by long-term exposure to certain irritants that are breathed into the lungs. Particles in the air from many sources cause these lung problems. These sources include factories, smokestacks, exhaust, fires, mining, construction, and agriculture.
What are occupational diseases?
An occupational disease is a health condition or disorder (e.g., cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, post-traumatic stress, etc.) that is caused by your work environment or activities related to your work.
What are occupational lung diseases explain with any two examples?
Pneumoconiosis. Pneumoconiosis are occupational lung diseases that are caused due to accumulation of dust in the lungs and body’s reaction to its presence. Most common pneumoconiosis are silicosis, coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), and asbestosis.
What do you mean by occupational lung disease Class 11?
Occupational respiratory disorders are defined as any disorder which affects the respiratory system by long-term inhalation of chemicals, proteins, and dust. For instance, Asbestosis that is caused by the inhalation of asbestos dust.
Is there a cure for occupational lung disease?
There is no cure for occupational lung diseases. Controlling your exposure to lung irritants and treatment can help slow the disease progression, lessen symptoms, and improve your quality of life. If you smoke, quit. Smoking can cause or worsen lung disease.
What are occupational respiratory disorders give two examples of such disorders?
What is the definition for occupational?
Definition of occupational 1 : of or relating to a job or occupation occupational choices occupational training/skills occupational safety Physiatrists commonly treat back and neck pain and other musculoskeletal problems, including sports injuries and occupational problems like repetitive stress injury.—
What is the most common type of occupational disease?
Occupational hearing loss is the most common occupational disease in the United States: it is so common that it is often accepted as a normal consequence of employment. More than 30 million workers are exposed to hazardous noise, and an additional 9 million are at risk from other ototraumatic agents.