What do you do in Striaton city in Pokémon Black?

Use the Pokemon Center in Striaton City and then head east out to find the Dreamyard — do this before even exploring the city. You’ll need a special Pokemon from the Dreamyard for some encounters in the city, including the Gym leader.

What is Striaton city based on?

It is based on Fire-type, Water-type, and Grass-type Pokémon. The Gym Leaders are Chili, Cress, and Cilan. The Striaton City Gym is a Gym consisting of a puzzle by stepping on an element pad that defeats the element showcased on a curtain.

Where is Striaton City Pokemon?

South Eastern Unova
Striaton City is located in South Eastern Unova. There are three different locations connected to the city: Route 3 in the North West, Dreamyard in the East, and Route 2 in the South East.

Where is the Striaton City Gym Leader?

Once you defeat Cheren, a gym leader will be standing outside of the Striaton Gym.

How do you beat Striaton gym?

The Striaton City Gym Leader you face will be based on your initial Starter choice. The Leader will use a Level 12 Lillipup first, followed by a Pansage, Pansear or Panpour — the Pan-Pokemon will be strong against your Starter but weak against your own Pan-Pokemon, so bring it out to win that battle.

Where is the second gym leader in Pokemon Black?

Nacrene Gym
Lenora (Japanese: アロエ Aloe) is an archaeologist who is the Gym Leader of Nacrene City’s Gym, known officially as the Nacrene Gym….Lenora.

Lenora アロエ Aloe
“An Archeologist with Backbone”
Generation V
Games Black and White Black 2 and White 2
Leader of Nacrene Gym

What level is Striaton gym?

Level 12-14
Get your Pokemon to Level 14 by fighting on Route 2. You should be fine at level 10 or so, but the Gym Pokemon are Level 12-14.

Is Cheren a guy?

Cheren is a very intelligent boy.

What does Patrat evolve to?

WatchogPatrat / Evolves to

Patrat (Japanese: ミネズミ Minezumi) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. It evolves into Watchog starting at level 20.