What do you build on Vayne?

Vayne Build Breadown

  • Blade of the Ruined King.
  • Stormrazor.
  • Wit’s End.
  • Infinity Edge.
  • Phantom Dancer.
  • Gluttonous Greaves – Quicksilver.

What lane should I play Vayne?

What Lane Is Vayne? Due to the lane phase of this pick, it is often played in the Bottom Lane position.

Is Vayne good s11?

Vayne is the OG weak early game, god late game ADC. She has a weak laning phase but makes up for it through her mid-game and especially her amazing late-game.

Can Vayne be mid?

You need to play Vayne like a roaming mid, using your level 6 power spike to win fights and outplay. If you’re just sitting mid vs a mage, it means you’re just trading farm with them and you’re not affecting the game enough.

Is Vayne easy?

While she is a ‘late game’ champion, her scaling is very strong and is one of the, if not the best carry champion in the game. While the meta constantly changes with every patch, Vayne always remains a strong pick. That said, she is by no means an easy champion to pick up.

Is Vayne good bot?

In season 12, Vayne has the best win rate with Taric. It circles around 56-57%, which is one of the highest numbers you can find among the bot lane synergies. In other words, Vayne and Taric win way more than they lose in all servers and elos of League of Legends.

Is Vayne tank viable?

Guides. Vayne is widely considered to be one of the best tank killers in League of Legends at the moment. This status comes from her Silver Bolts providing percent max health damage in the form of true damage as well as her excellent chase potential.

Can Vayne top?

Even though Vayne is most commonly played in the bottom lane, she sees play in top and even the mid lane too. Some of the tips in this guide will overlap and help you play against Vayne in other lanes as well. If you want to check out a guide specific to top or mid Vayne, check out her champion page.