What did the tape recordings of Richard Nixon reveal about his involvement in the Watergate scandal quizlet?

-it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape recording system in his offices and that he had recorded many conversations. Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing that he had attempted to cover up the break-in.

What were in the Watergate tapes?

The tapes contain more than 3,000 hours of conversation. Hundreds of hours are of discussions on foreign policy, including planning for the 1972 Nixon visit to China and subsequent visit to the Soviet Union.

Where are the Watergate tapes now?

The National Archives is engaged in a digitization for preservation and access project for the Nixon White House Tapes. The National Archives has completed the digitization of the Tapes and is now focused on declassification, re-review and public access.

What were Nixon tapes quizlet?

His accusation lead to the revealing of the Nixon tapes. A series of secret tapes that had recorded the majority of Nixon’s conversations in the Oval Office. These tapes contained incriminating evidence proving that Nixon was part of an attempt to cover up the Watergate scandal.

What had Nixon secretly recorded quizlet?

-he subpoenaed the tapes the president had secretly recorded of his Oval Office conversations. When Cox refused a direct order from the White House to seek no further tapes or presidential materials, Nixon fired him in an incident that became known as the Saturday Night Massacre.

What did the White House tapes reveal quizlet?

What did the “White House tapes” reveal? the burglary at Democratic headquarters was simply a third-rate caper, and no one on the White House staff had been involved. President Nixon had ordered a cover-up in the Watergate affair.

What is the Watergate scandal quizlet?

Watergate Scandal. A break-in at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex in Washington was carried out under the direction of White House employees. Disclosure of the White House involvement in the break-in and subsequent cover-up forced President Nixon to resign in 1974 to avoid impeachment.

Where are Nixons tapes?

However, the review of the Nixon White House tapes—recordings made between 1971 and 1973 in the Oval Office and other locations—will continue at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, until all the tapes have been reviewed.

What was the most incriminating aspect of the White House tapes quizlet?

These tapes contained incriminating evidence proving that Nixon was part of an attempt to cover up the Watergate scandal. At first Nixon tried to use executive privilege to prevent their release, but was later forced by the Supreme Court to uncover the evidence.