What company makes FPGA?

Key Market Players (US); Lattice Semiconductor Corporation (US); QuickLogic Corporation (US); Efinix Inc. (US); Flex Logix Technologies (US); GOWIN Semiconductor Corporation (US); Achronix Semiconductor Corporation (US); and S2C, Inc. (US); are some of the key players in the FPGA market.

Who makes the best FPGA?

Top 8 FPGA manufacturers in the world

  • 1) Xilinx Inc. xilinx.
  • 2) Altera Corporation. Another FPGA manufacturer that has been around for several years is Altera Corporation.
  • 3) Lattice Semiconductor.
  • 4) Achronix.
  • 5) QuickLogic Corporation.
  • 6) Microchip Technology.
  • 7) Microsemi Corporation.
  • 8) Efinix.

Who is the leader in FPGA?

Xilinx. The leader in FPGAs for many years, Xilinx has a good range of FPGAs in terms of cost and performance. In recent years, the popular Spartan series has covered the low-to-mid-end market while the Virtex series has covered the high-end.

What companies use Xilinx?

Companies Currently Using Xilinx Vivado

Company Name Website Zip
Raytheon rtx.com 02451
Northrop Grumman northropgrumman.com 22042
Southwest Research Institute swri.org 78238-5166
Boeing boeing.com 60606

How large is the FPGA market?

Report Overview. The global field programmable gate array market size was valued at USD 9.0 billion in 2019 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7% from 2020 to 2027.

What is the largest FPGA?

Virtex UltraScale+ VU19P
Today, we proudly announce that our largest FPGA, the Virtex UltraScale+ VU19P, is now generally available and shipping in production volumes to many customers. Xilinx pioneered emulation-class devices and tools almost a decade ago with the 28nm Virtex-7 2000T FPGA and the Vivado Design Suite.

Does Nvidia use FPGA?

However even as NVIDIA snubs FPGA, rivals like Intel are ramping up efforts to develop and deploy them. In 2015 Intel acquired top US manufacturer of programmable logic devices Altera in an all-cash transaction estimated at US$16.7 billion.

Will AMD buy Xilinx?

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Feb. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announced the completion of its acquisition of Xilinx in an all-stock transaction.

Does China own Xilinx?

China Approves AMD’s $35 Billion Acquisition of Xilinx.