What color is shiny Galvantula?

In its shiny variant, Galvantula retains its yellow coloration. However, this time, Galvantula’s hair tufts stripe patterns, and eyes are now dark blue in color.

Why is Galvantula good?

Galvantula’s excellent coverage, great Speed, and good Special Attack makes it adept at sweeping through weakened teams. Thunder provides an excellent primary STAB move, hitting everything that doesn’t resist it hard.

How big is Joltik?

4 inches
At 4 inches (0.1 meters) tall, Joltik is one of the shortest Pokémon in existence.

What is Galvantula based on?

As seen in its general shape as well as its name, Galvantula is based off of a tarantula. Its Japanese name is likely a combination of 電気 denki, electricity, or 電柱 denchū, lightpole, and タランチュラ taranchura, tarantula.

How fast is Galvantula?

Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 100
Speed: 108 198 – 346
Total: 472 Other Pokémon with this total
Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature. Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.

Is Galvantula good for PVP?

The best moves for Galvantula are Fury Cutter and Bug Buzz when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.

Can Leon’s Charmander be shiny?

(You can tell it’s Leon’s room because it’s filled with a bunch of hats.) Don’t bother restarting repeatedly to try to get a Shiny Charmander, either — this Charmander is guaranteed to not be Shiny. With that, you now have a Charmander that you can evolve and eventually Gigantamax as a Charizard.

Is Galvantula good for great league?

Great League: 4 / 5 Galvantula sports an uncommon Electric/Bug typing, but poor bulk. It became quite popular in Go Battle League as an answer to the popular usage of Azumarill and Registeel, being able to beat either when using equal amounts of shields.

Is Joltik a spider?

Physiology. Joltik is a tiny arachnid-like Pokémon covered in fuzzy yellow fur. Unlike normal arachnids, Joltik has only four stubby legs with blue tips. It has two large blue ovular eyes, and two smaller simple eyes of the same color above them.