What can a union request for information?
What can a union request for information?
A union is entitled to information needed for contract negotiations, to evaluate grievances, and the catch-all, “for contract administration.” All information related to bargaining unit employees and their terms and conditions of employment is presumptively relevant.
What data can unions ask of employees?
Data. Employers must provide the union with lists, statistics, and other relevant data – even if management must spend hours or longer putting it together. You can request data on prior disciplinary actions, promotional patterns, and overtime assignments.
What is a union RFI?
Generally, the RFI requests the union provide additional facts about the grievance and all documentation the union possesses related to the grievance, including notes taken by union representatives. The RFI requests that the union produce the requested information within a specified time period.
Can a union request financial information?
During collective bargaining, the union may request information relating to the employer’s financial position. While financial information generally is considered to be proprietary, there may be times when the employer will be required to provide it.
Is talking to union rep confidential?
In general, employers cannot force private sector unions to disclose communications with members during the course of representation.
Are union negotiations confidential?
Negotiations between employers and unionized workers are mostly shrouded in secrecy. Seldom do union members experience the actual process of collective negotiations over issues that are crucial, urgent, and relevant to their own lives.
What is a management rights clause?
When drafting a collective bargaining agreement, employers often insist on a management-rights clause. That clause reserves to the employer the right to take unilateral action, with respect to certain terms and conditions of employment without an obligation to bargain with the union about that action.
What are Skelly rights?
Skelly rights is referred to the due process right to notice of an employee, of an intended disciplinary action. The right includes the right to obtain a copy of materials on which the action is based, and an opportunity to respond orally or in writing to an impartial reviewer prior to discipline being imposed.
What can a union rep do in a disciplinary?
The representative is permitted to address the disciplinary hearing to: put the worker’s case; sum up that case; and/or respond on the worker’s behalf to any view expressed at the hearing. The representative is also permitted to confer with the worker during the disciplinary hearing.
What rights does a union rep have?
Union representative or steward – has statutory rights to represent members in the workplace and carry out other workplace duties. Health and safety representative – has statutory rights to cover many aspects of health, safety and welfare in the workplace and attends health and safety committee meetings.