What are the methods of hemoglobin estimation?
What are the methods of hemoglobin estimation?
What are the components of Sahli’s hemoglobinometer?
Sahli’s hemoglobinometer is a manual device that contains a hemoglobin tube, pipette, and stirrer, as well as a comparator. Hydrochloric acid converts hemoglobin to acid hematin, which is then diluted until the color of the solution matches that of the comparator block.
How many types of Hb are there?
Many different types of hemoglobin (Hb) exist. The most common ones are HbA, HbA2, HbE, HbF, HbS, HbC, HbH, and HbM. Healthy adults only have significant levels of only HbA and HbA2. Some people may also have small amounts of HbF.
What is the most preferred method of hemoglobin estimation?
Direct cyanmethaemoglobin method2
Direct cyanmethaemoglobin method2 is the most widely used and recommended method by the International Committee for Standardization in Haematology for quantitative estimation of haemoglobin. It involves formation of a stable compound, cyanmethaemoglobin and is relatively a simple and cost-effective method3.
Why N 10 HCl is used in Sahli’s method?
PRINCIPLE OF SAHLI’s METHOD / ACID HEMATIN METHOD The principle of Sahli’s Method or Acid hematin method is quite easy that when the blood is added to N/10 Hydrochloric acid (HCl), the hemoglobin present in RBCs is converted to acid hematin which is a dark brown colored compound.
What is the principle of haemoglobin estimation?
The principle of this method lies in conversion of hemoglobin to cyanmethemoglobin by the addition of Potassium cyanide and ferricyanide whose absorbance is measured at 540 nm in a photoelectric calorimeter against a standard solution. The test was performed as outlined by Bhaskaram et al [12].
What are the advantages of Cyanmethemoglobin method over Sahli’s method?
The haemoglobin is estimated with the help of cyanmethemoglobin curve. The advantages of this method are i) error due to subjective visual matching is avoided as spectrophotometer is used and hence reading is precise and reliable, ii) measures all forms of haemoglobin except sulphaemoglobin.