What are the characteristics of granodiorite?
What are the characteristics of granodiorite?
granodiorite, medium- to coarse-grained rock that is among the most abundant intrusive igneous rocks. It contains quartz and is distinguished from granite by its having more plagioclase feldspar than orthoclase feldspar; its other mineral constituents include hornblende, biotite, and augite.
What is the texture of granodiorite?
Granodiorites are generally grayish-white, granular rocks, and because of the lower K-feldspar content, reddish colors, even in weathered rocks, are much less common than in granites. The typical texture is hypidiomorphic-granular. The mafic minerals are the most idiomophic (euhedral).
What kind of rock is granodiorite?
intrusive igneous rocks
Granite and granodiorite are intrusive igneous rocks that slowly cool deep underground in magma chambers called plutons.
Is granodiorite the same as granite?
Granite contains mostly potassium feldspars and has a low percentage of dark iron and magnesium minerals. In contrast, granodiorite contains more plagioclase (calcium and sodium) feldspar than potassium feldspar and has more dark minerals. Thus it is a darker color than granite.
What is granodiorite used for?
Granodiorite is most often used as crushed stone for road building. It is also used as construction material, building facade, and paving, and as an ornamental stone. The Rosetta Stone is a stele made from granodiorite.
Is granodiorite a volcanic?
It is commonly produced in volcanic arcs, and in mountain building where it emplaces as large batholiths in mountain roots. Granodiorite is the plutonic equivalent of dacite.
How is granodiorite rock formed?
Granodiorite is a plutonic igneous rock, formed by intrusion of silica-rich magma, which cools in batholiths or stocks below the Earth’s surface. It is usually only exposed at the surface after uplift and erosion have occurred.
What are the uses of granodiorite?
Uses. Granodiorite is most often used as crushed stone for road building. It is also used as construction material, building facade, and paving, and as an ornamental stone.
Where can I find granodiorite?