Is Something Awful still a thing?

Something Awful is in the process of changing hands to a new owner. In the meantime we’re pausing all updates and halting production on our propaganda comic partnership with Northrop Grumman.

How much did Something Awful sell for?

Meme Artwork from the Bygone ‘Something Awful’ Forum Era Sold on eBay for $5,100.

Who owns Something Awful?

Jeffrey of YOSPOS
According to Vice, Kyanka pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and was fined $164.50 on October 27, 2020. The assault charge was dropped. Something Awful is now owned by moderator and system administrator who goes by the name Jeffrey of YOSPOS, still according to Vice.

Is lowtax dead?

November 9, 2021Richard Kyanka / Died

What happened to Something Awful Reddit?

Kyanka sold the site on October 9, 2020, following pressure by the Something Awful community on alleged reports that Kyanka had engaged in domestic abuse. Kyanka sold the site to a fifteen-year member and moderator of the community known under the pseudonym of Jeffrey of YOSPOS.

When did Something Awful start?

For about five years, from around 2000 to the middle of the aughts, Goons operated the engine that made internet culture go. If you saw something funny online during that time, the odds are good that it bubbled up through the cauldron of the Something Awful forums before erupting onto the wider web.

When was Something Awful founded?

Founded in 1999, Something Awful played a significant role in shaping early internet culture, giving birth to some of the earliest memes. Its forum popularized classic meme “All your base are belong to us”, and horror character Slender Man was originally created on the site.

Who founded Something Awful?

Richard Charles Kyanka
It was created by Richard “Lowtax” Kyanka in 1999 as a largely personal website, but as it grew, so did its contributors and content….Something Awful.

Type of business Limited liability company
Founder(s) Richard Charles Kyanka
Key people Richard Kyanka Zack Parsons David Thorpe Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Industry Internet

Who is lowtax Something Awful?

Richard ‘Lowtax’ Kyanka, the founder of Something Awful and a key influence on aspects of modern internet culture, has died at the age of 45.

What happened to Something Awful?

Is Richard kyanka dead?

What happened to Lowtax Something Awful?

Richard “Lowtax” Kyanka—the creator of the era-defining Something Awful forums—died by suicide on November 9, Motherboard confirmed with the Lee’s Summit, Missouri police department.