Is Skyguide still operating?
Is Skyguide still operating?
Switzerland’s air navigation service provider currently employs some 1,500 personnel spread over 14 locations throughout the country. Two-thirds of them are in air navigation services, around a quarter are in technical functions and most of the rest hold administrative positions.
How much do air traffic controllers make in Switzerland?
A person working as an Air Traffic Controller in Switzerland typically earns around 137,000 CHF per year. Salaries range from 63,200 CHF (lowest) to 218,000 CHF (highest). This is the average yearly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits.
How do you become an air traffic controller in Switzerland?
It consists of three parts:
- Step 1: prepare documents.
- Step 2: apply online. Passport photo. Your ID or passport and, if applicable, your residence permit for Switzerland.
- Step 3: aptitude and language tests. For military Air Traffic Control, you have to complete a final mindset test.
How do I become a ATC in Europe?
Training to be an air traffic controller takes between three and three and a half years. Training courses usually start in February and October each year; they include in-depth theoretical classes, training on simulators and intensive on-the-job training at the Maastricht centre.
Is Sky Guide available on Android?
Mobile versions for Android and iOS let you take your sky guide with you when you head out to stargaze. (The Android version is a free download, with in-app purchases unlocking features; Stellarium Mobile Plus is a $13.99 app on iOS.)
How much does an air traffic controller earn in Europe?
A person working as an Air Traffic Controller in Spain typically earns around 3,200 EUR per month. Salaries range from 1,470 EUR (lowest) to 5,080 EUR (highest). This is the average monthly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits.
How much do Heathrow air traffic controllers earn?
The average salary for Air Traffic Controller is £125,541 per year in the Heathrow, England. The average additional cash compensation for a Air Traffic Controller in the Heathrow, England is £1,824, with a range from £1,824 – £1,824.
Is Sky Guide a free app?
The popular star-gazing app Sky Guide exclusively for iOS recently got the biggest update in its 8 year history, adding numerous new features and introducing a free entry-level version for the first time.
How much is Sky Guide app?
An in-app purchase is required to unlock the ability to view and track satellites. The cost is $1.99, which is in addition to the $1.99 price tag for the app itself. The app is built and optimized for all iOS devices, including the iPad, running iOS 6 and above.
How to apply for skybriefing in Switzerland?
After registration on, the application can be accessed from any internet-connected terminal, or from any self-briefing station available at aerodromes in Switzerland. The service is available 24/7 and 365 days a year including an expert support service for skybriefing and enquiries related to flight plans or NOTAM.
What does Skyguide do for Swiss Air Policing?
Switzerland’s air policing and defence are the responsibility of the Swiss Air Force, which, with its primary radars, can also detect flying objects not emitting a transponder signal. Skyguide is unusual, however, in that in addition to its civil air traffic management role, the company also provides Switzerland’s military air navigation services.
What can you do at Skyguide Academy?
A Skyguide apprenticeship or internship will give you exciting insights into the industry. Air Traffic Controllers give landing and take-off clearances, monitor all the aircrafts on their radar, guide them on their route and coordinate all air traffic movements. More than 100 simulator pilots work at the Skyguide Academy.