Is melanoma a spindle cell tumor?
Is melanoma a spindle cell tumor?
Spindle cell melanoma (SCM) is a rare subtype of malignant melanoma composed of spindled neoplastic cells arranged in sheets and fascicles (1). The diagnosis of SCM is challenging, as SCM may occur anywhere on the body and frequently mimics amelanotic lesions, including scarring and inflammation (2–4).
What is the survival rate of spindle cell melanoma?
Although desmoplastic melanomas are typically diagnosed as advanced lesions, when matched stage for stage, they are generally considered to have survival rates similar to conventional melanomas. In Quinn’s study, the overall 5-year survival rate was 75% (5).
Do spindle cells mean cancer?
What is spindle cell sarcoma? Spindle cell sarcoma is a rare malignant (cancerous) tumour which can develop in the bone or soft tissue. It can arise in any part of the body but is most common in the limbs (arms and legs).
What does spindle cell melanoma look like?
Features of spindle cell melanoma under microscopy include: An abundance of spindle-shaped tumour cells (> 90% of a tumour) Uniform, wavy, and slender nuclei, with variable size and shapes (pleomorphism) and variable nuclear atypia (abnormal appearance of cell nuclei)
How common is spindle cell melanoma?
The actual incidence of spindle cell melanoma is unknown. Studies have suggested that between 1% and 14% of melanomas are of the spindle cell variant (including desmoplastic melanoma) [2,3]. Spindle cell melanomas more commonly occur in Caucasian men, affecting men and women at a ratio of 1.6:1–1.9:1 respectively.
Is spindle cell cancer curable?
Background. Spindle cell carcinoma (SCC) is a highly malignant pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma. There is no standard treatment for this disease, though chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy may be considered.
What causes spindle cell melanoma?
What causes spindle cell melanoma? The exact cause of spindle cell melanoma is unknown. Spindle cell melanoma shares some common mutations with conventional (epithelioid) melanoma. Approximately 30% of spindle cell melanomas contain BRAF mutations; the V600E substitution mutation is the most common.
What is the difference between sarcoma and melanoma?
Sarcomas arise in bone, muscle, fat, blood vessels, cartilage, or other soft or connective tissues of the body. They are relatively uncommon. Melanomas are cancers that arise in the cells that make the pigment in skin.
What is spindle cell melanoma?
Spindle cell melanoma is a rare histological variant of melanoma, characterised by the presence of spindle-shaped melanocytes. On microscopy, it is often mistaken for other skin and soft tissue cancers with spindle cell morphologies.
What are the diagnostic challenges of spindle cell malignancies on sun damaged skin?
Poorly differentiated, spindle cell malignancies, on sun damaged skin frequently pose a diagnostic challenge for pathologists. The vast majority of these neoplasms ultimately are diagnosed as either atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX), spindle cell melanoma (SCM), and very rarely as spindle cell squamous c …
How is melanoma diagnosed?
Biopsy procedures used to diagnose melanoma include: Punch biopsy. During a punch biopsy, your doctor uses a tool with a circular blade. The blade is pressed into the skin around a suspicious mole, and a round piece of skin is removed.
What is a sentinel node biopsy for melanoma?
During a sentinel node biopsy, a dye is injected in the area where your melanoma was removed. The dye flows to the nearby lymph nodes. The first lymph nodes to take up the dye are removed and tested for cancer cells.